Example sentences of "and she have get " in BNC.

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1 And she 'd got five wolf whistles .
2 They were grappling , and she 'd got her hand on the woman 's windpipe , holding her off , squeezing .
3 I mean it it sounds stupid , but a person I knew , she was about as stupid as i was as naive as I was , because er she was pregnant , her husband was n't away but she 'd got how many , five , four children , she 'd lost three children and she 'd got , then she had four , and then she found herself pregnant again .
4 And she 'd got a big black hat on , and a big black cloak , and all er crosses down here , and she 's got a boot on her arm all laced up , and nobody 'd know whether she were a man or a woman .
5 And she 'd got to say whoever er work for least money , got the job .
6 And she 'd got modern ideas , and all — about married women being slaves , and what not — though to my way of thinking it 's always a toss-up which is the slave .
7 No one until Paul had finished checking her work , and she 'd got the blend so right !
8 ‘ She said it was all the rage at her school , and she 'd got an A minus for her essay on it .
9 No half day Saturdays , half day Saturdays , yes and then er I , I used to stay waiting for mother to come and my sister er to do the shopping in Willenhall cos they would n't shop anywhere else , and then erm my brother used to come with his cycle and er I used to carry a lot of the shopping back and my brother used to push a lot on his , on his cycle and mother and my sister used to stay down and have another walk around , but we 'd got to walk it back I 'd come back on the wagonette so or just after the buses started but er I 'll never forget the first time the bus ran it was pouring with rain and my sister was standing in front of me and she 'd got a new mac on and of course we were getting very wet and there was a scramble to get on the bus and the lady in front of her had got a bag of flour and of course the bag burst and went all down her
10 and she 'd got in touch with him .
11 It , that 's why she was panicking I think because she 'd got Mrs off and she 'd got June off .
12 And she 'd got
13 I were down at their house and she 'd got these and she 'd
14 and she 'd got er little Zoe and er stayed for a couple of hours , had a cup of tea and you know .
15 and she 'd got a table in front of her and she was sitting on the settee and the table in front of her and this new jigsaw , over a hundred pieces in it and there she was lady
16 And she 'd got , we was always very interested I played Puck in Midsummer 's Night 's Dream at school and all that kind of thing .
17 And she 'd got two little rings of carrots left on her plate .
18 No right , there 's this lady who was a prostitute and she 'd got a daughter .
19 We were very open to a range of ideas from big to little ; the mother of a mentally-handicapped child wrote in wanting to do something for mentally-handicapped children , and she had got an idea about setting it in the production office of a children 's comic .
20 She had been a clerk-receptionist phone-answerer-teamaker and she had got the job through her uncle Bob who was as near to being a friend of Thomas Walby 's as it was possible to be .
21 Edward and she had got married in 1949 .
22 She knew exactly what she wanted , and she had got it — the only kind of life that would keep her happy .
23 Bluebeard had been a private joke — an exclamation she had been unable to stifle as they 'd rounded the cliff at the head of the valley and she had got her first glimpse of the imposing turreted Castell Rocamar .
24 He looked at her sympathetically and she had to get her face in order quickly .
25 But she was n't , and she had to get herself back to normal .
26 She would have to phone her grandfather and tell him , she said , and she had to get into the van for her purse .
27 It 's funny now , she said it as if she was you know under pressure , and she had to get up , I remember one night as if somebody was very quietly you know putting a blanket over me , that 's honest .
28 And she has got the courage to look at that million people , which takes courage , and look at the thousand which she is helping and saying , no love is never wasted .
29 She 's dressed in this furry pink thing , and she 's got these little white shoes on .
30 ‘ She 's wearing this pink thing , and she 's got these white shoes . ’
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