Example sentences of "and this [prep] [det] " in BNC.

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1 Total subscription income increased by 2.5% to £509,709 , and this without any increase to the general level during the year in the individual rates of subscriptions , which I am sure members will applaud .
2 As a military power the papacy was a failure , and this above all saved the popes from the innate tendency of medieval prelates to become secular rulers .
3 It is not unlikely that in his crusading travels and meetings Edward garnered ideas and experience from the Roman world of the Mediterranean and sought to emulate that great legislator , his father-in-law , Alfonso X. Not less probable , however , is the influence of the church , and this at several different levels .
4 Excursions were regularly organized by churches and chapels , firms , clubs , street committees , and this for many would be the great occasion of their encounter with the railway station .
5 All the others had been hand-tinted or hand-painted , and this after all was not the real thing .
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