Example sentences of "and they would [verb] " in BNC.

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1 For example , the thought ‘ They are on my left ’ does not ‘ succeed ’ as a thought unless I can also have other thoughts such as ‘ If I move to my left they will move to my right ’ , ‘ They are substantial ’ ( that is , not a chimera ) , ‘ They are reachable/not reachable ’ , ‘ They are supported by something ’ , ‘ A large opaque object coming between me and them would render them invisible to me ’ …
2 All the Home Unions would do well to recognise this and they would do even better to persuade the International Board to take effective control of the player migrations betwen the two hemispheres .
3 We have told them about my alarm system , and they would do something if they heard it .
4 They had done this before and they would do it again .
5 So that erm , it does you good to have a job , it looks good on a C V , and they would do as little as possible , and if you , if you disciplined them , then one of them says oh well , I 'll leave , me dad will give me the money anyway .
6 It was as if his mind had a finite capacity for lines ; put in more than it could hold and they would start to overflow .
7 Oh it could be stormy right enough but well the steamer might call at Rousay at that time and they would land the goods in Rousay the perishables for Wyre and when the weather abated we would get it from there .
8 One or two of the boys would go in there , fellers of the village , and they would stop there all night , and the next night ; and they say it had been known for it to go the week ; have a week settin' in , staying in the pub .
9 And they would stop fighting .
10 Then , when you returned , school would have started and they would beat you for being late .
11 Now they could then say well that particular group of people , if they looked at this evidence that I 've got , would want to say this about it and they would want to change it in such and such a way , and there 's another group of people who perhaps have rather different views on what history might be doing and they would view the evidence and argue about it in this way .
12 Some would say that the universe is such that a resurrection could not take place , and they would base this assertion on " science " .
13 There was sense in which , it was n't really in Pilate 's hands , because Jesus had said to him , if I wanted I would speak to my father , he would send ten legions of angels and they would deliver me out of your hands , Pilate , you have no power over me .
14 And they would lay just when and collect them eggs that night afore the gale .
15 workshop and they would cover this board with woodcuttings like s what we call spills .
16 For them , music is their only consideration and they would regard themselves as fans and supporters of pop music .
17 On Sundays she would invite a group of Magdalene undergraduates to lunch and they would stay till tea ; then another group still larger came to tea .
18 Sometimes , she would stare at them as they were talking and they would grow smaller and smaller , like a genie going back into a lamp .
19 There were occasions when someone did a large number , and they would bring the job-sheet round and show the others and say ‘ She has done so many , you also must . ’
20 She would phone the police and they would go out of their way to search her garden and reassure her of their vigilance , but it had been going on for years .
21 The manual work or the heavy part of the team were almost entirely male , and they would go off to their hotels together or they would go and work together .
22 We kept putting food on the ledge for them and they would go out for relatively short flights and then return .
23 and they would go away , full of misunderstandings , of self doubt .
24 But when she was very sad she understood that sorrow casts out fear , and then the murderer could call with a few of his friends and she would tell them wearily to bugger off and they would go , since , after all , there can be no satisfaction in murdering the dead .
25 He would drag that bloody friar from his stars and they would go back to the Springall mansion and this time demand answers to their questions .
26 In a minute she would say she wanted to talk about Oliver and they would go somewhere quiet , where she could explain everything slowly , from the beginning .
27 And so I what I said was , as part of their community service , we would then earmark the various small erm children 's homes , old people 's homes and they would go as a team of electricians , fitters , craftsmen and do a community work .
28 But they would only get two you see , and they would go on and that two would have to find another two to go on the following night .
29 They came with a good suit on and they would go to work with a suit double breasted and then and they would work there and make a lot of money and when the next thing they would do they would hit into town and get all rigged out and then that was them from top to bottom from their hat right to their feet and then they were hitting the road then .
30 And they would go on disk
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