Example sentences of "and they [verb] a " in BNC.

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1 Fluff continued to look after Titch , and even when she grew and became Big Titch , she never forgot her first friend , and they shared a basket , though she persecuted everyone else — feline and human — giving them no peace until she fell asleep , having worn out herself and everyone else .
2 Bailey was married then , to a nice girl from Clapham , and they shared a flat near the Oval in South London .
3 And they shared a laugh , dismounting together in the clatter of the crowded court .
4 Damian took her to one of the balcony restaurants , and they shared a dozen fresh oysters on the shell in the cool sunlight .
5 Cadbury 's Roses verdict neat box but too much packaging and they cost a hundred and one P for a hundred grams .
6 This sometimes happens when managers must prepare for press conferences and they develop a superb presentation only to drop through the floor when an awkward press vulture homes in on the one weak link in the chain of argument .
7 The family name was Fuller , and John Fuller — who knew nothing of the brewery trade — decided to bring in a Mr. Turner and a Mr. Smith and they formed a partnership which continues still as the well known firm of Fuller , Smith and Turner .
8 They were all middle-class , aged between 18 and 45 , and they formed a carefully selected , statistically valid sample of sexual behaviour and attitudes across England , Scotland and Wales .
9 The original band of brothers in the primal horde were excluded from sexual intercourse with any women by their father , and they formed a group , based on homosexual feelings , to perform the act that no one of them could do as a sole individual , namely , to kill their father .
10 They 've announced a new sports car to be built at Cowley and they launch a new model in April .
11 Bell Labs notes that fault tolerance is common in hardware and in operating systems , but generally too costly for many software systems , and says that as far as it knows , these are the first general-purpose software modules , and they set a trend toward low-cost fault-tolerance in user-level software .
12 An unknown benefactor gave them £100 , and they received a legacy for £200 ‘ to be distributed to the full list of everyone in Fleet jail ’ .
13 Finally she agreed to meet him for lunch the following week , and they agreed a time and a place .
14 And they ask a question and somebody 's very open with the answer and they da , they just , sa expand on that answer and then , two or
15 The Madonna and Child , whose wooden effigies were carved in 1615 , were said to have put an end to the great plague of 1634–41 and to have performed other miracles ever since , and they attracted a constant stream of worshippers throughout the year .
16 And they revealed a taxi driver may hold vital evidence about events that night .
17 People take materials for granted and they deserve a little more thought .
18 They discussed and they reached a conclusion ; as a result a new church school — Curry Rivel Parochial School — was built in Church Street in 1876 , the year in which the first of two Acts was passed making school attendance compulsory .
19 And they took a long time making it .
20 And they took a long time serving it .
21 I was standing outside laughing , and they took a picture of me standing there laughing .
22 The US factories had evolved into organisations that set out tightly circumscribed jobs , fixed procedures , absolutely nothing in terms of flexible working , multi-skilling , employee responsiveness — any of those sorts of things — and they took a look at Japanese cost patterns and thought that American industry was just going down the plug . ’
23 They helped to propagate a language through which the working class could articulate their frustrations ; they provided radical literature , leaflets and newspapers ; they furnished agitators with greater financial means and mobility than those drawn from the working class ; and they took a lead in establishing underground organizations able to build links between workers in different factories and cities and to survive recurrent police assaults .
24 And they took a whole level off , they 've dropped it by a storey .
25 And they took a mouthful and urgh !
26 But they won a fair fight and they took a tremendous lot of trouble and they really did a very good campaign , there 's no question about that at all .
27 Brian Clough 's teams are never short of resilience or adaptability , though , and they made a fight of it throughout .
28 His mother put her lips on his cheek ; her lips were soft and they wetted his cheek ; and they made a tiny little noise : kiss .
29 There were two Jamaican boys in there and they made a point of crowding the counter , holding their elbows akimbo , so that Shiva was unable to pick up his paper from the pile in front of them .
30 They went to see it and came back and had a meeting one night in New York , and they made a list of the fakes .
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