Example sentences of "and not [adv] the " in BNC.

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1 Watching herself very carefully as the shaping increased at the neck , she realised how easy it was to stop just short by an inch or so and not clear the selector .
2 Little Bear , who is supposed to be asleep , keeps interrupting him — he 's scared of the dark and not even the biggest lantern from the cupboard can light up the night looming beyond the cave .
3 It came screeching out of the darkness , and not even the thunder could drown the scream of its menace .
4 The losses at the Battle of Sagrajas had been great and not even the addition of El Cid 's men could make it anything like as strong as it had been before the coming of Yusuf .
5 No deal lasts for ever and not even the most skilful draftsman can cater for every eventuality when drawing up a service contract .
6 I said , ‘ If there is naught else in Paradise for me but this delight which I have in my own nature , no other blessing will I want and not even the houris and sugarcane of Paradise will divert me from it . ' ’
7 But ( one splutters ) surely there is epidemiological evidence that too much Fat is a bad thing , and experimental evidence that saturated fats are more harmful than polyunsaturates , and not even the BIC would deny that butter is one of the great saturates of our time ?
8 The silence of the night brought a feeling of unease ; the normal rustlings of nocturnal creatures were absent and not even the hoot of an owl nor the choughing call of a pheasant disturbed the stillness .
9 ‘ I have had nothing but support from the chairman , and not even the slightest hint of the dreaded vote of confidence .
10 Barney Moss either did n't know who had staked the seed money … or he was n't telling , and not even the Spanish Inquisition was going to change that state of affairs .
11 A further group of works and not even the relevant authorities know how many , except that it runs into hundreds of thousands are ‘ notified ’ ; that is , they may not even be lent , restored or sold within Italy , let alone exported , without the permission of the authorities .
12 ‘ We can talk to our fellow committee members in a way that you ca n't and not even the police can . ’
13 We had to stand in the pissing down rain , with the cockney scum , and whats more I could only see one goal , and not even the goal that we scored in .
14 But for one other person , perhaps , Isambard had cared in his time , before affection changed to anger and hate ; and not even the last and holiest stone cell of all had kept Master Harry safe from his insatiable enmity .
15 At present , compensation is paid on the assumption that all the flock is infected — 39p per bird — and not just the birds removed for testing .
16 In other words , to a degree the burden of Germany on the balance of payments was in part the result of Britain 's ‘ great power ’ posture , and not just the consequence of the military pattern that emerged in the conquest of Germany .
17 The second reason for taking the ‘ non-party ’ claim seriously is that the various Leagues — and not just the three studied by Coetzee — were frequently critical of the Conservative party and expressed strong reservations about the effectiveness of the Conservatives as a political force .
18 Christie , too , wants to run in the European , preferably in both sprints and not just the 60 metres for which he has been pre-selected .
19 And not just the foresters and the ecologists but the public , and hence the politicians of Europe were galvanised by Waldsterben unlike any environmental issue that had gone before .
20 When it is , it is exercised throughout the chain of command and not just the point at which a problem becomes apparent .
21 Before we embark on a major explanatory exercise , however , we must be sure that the effect is truly causal , and not just the spurious result of joint association with a prior explanatory variable , as explained in chapter 12 .
22 It 's a time for few windows and we have many , and maybe it 's even a time for living in town or city with lights and movement and not just the dead nettles of the water meadow to gaze at .
23 The companies involved ( and they included , apart from Rolls Royce , British Nuclear Fuels and Michelin ) will understand more about the nature and role of colleges and the quality and originality of the thinking displayed by the students , and all those at the college associated with the scheme , and not just the students themselves , will know , hopefully , more about the pressures , opportunities and working style of a major company .
24 Objections on the grounds of time often disguise a more fundamental problem which concerns teaching in general and not just the objectives model .
25 Some time needs to be spent in conversation so that she feels he desires the total person and not just the body .
26 By the concept of sarvodaya Gandhi really means universal uplift or the welfare of all men and not just the welfare , or greatest happiness , of the greatest number .
27 Of course , saying that , I am assuming these instruments are up to the company 's usual standard and not just the poor man 's alternative .
28 Basic soreness should be eased and as the treatment deals with the entire body and not just the feet , the entire you should start to feel better .
29 Naturopathy is one of the oldest forms of medicine and is based on four principles : the individuality of the patient , that you should treat the cause of the condition and not just the symptoms , that the body retains the ability to heal itself and that you must treat the whole person and not just an affected area .
30 UEFA ARE ready to listen to radical new proposals for a European super league , but only if it benefits all clubs and not just the rich elite .
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