Example sentences of "and he [verb] back " in BNC.

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1 Then they were gone , and he craned back to see behind him , to see if they were following .
2 He wanted to roar out James 's name , his own name , to scream for help , he tried to pull up on the sill but his fingers scrabbled uselessly and he dropped back .
3 Then his legs gave way , and he dropped back heavily into his seat .
4 She moved easily beyond his reach , and he dropped back .
5 Coghill felt that he had discovered a ‘ considerable poem ’ by ‘ a powerful new poet ’ ( though ‘ in the Masefield tradition ’ ) , and he wrote back to Lewis in adulatory terms .
6 Maureen told Joe about it when she wrote and he wrote back that he agreed with Chris .
7 He wrote what must have been the one of the shortest letters of all time , and he wrote back to the editor of The Times and he said , dear sir , in answer to your question what is wrong with the world
8 He was a chemist himself , or a physicist , working on similar sorts of problems , and I wrote to him and said was he interested in looking at one of my molecules , and he wrote back and said he was very interested because it was , in fact , as I 'd thought , a rather intriguing next step in our understanding and we got together with the Canadian group in Ottowa to try and set up a programme for observing these particular types of molecule in interstellar space .
9 And he fell back with a sigh .
10 She released him and he fell back on the crumpled bedclothes to stare up at her at first blankly .
11 It cost him three minutes and he fell back to 14th overall , but drove magnificently to recover much of the deficit and climb back to eighth by the end of the day , sharing two stage victories with McRae .
12 I started taking smack at school , 'cos everyone in the — estate at that time was taking it and that was the only place you could buy pot and I sent one of me mates out from school one day to buy some speed and he come back with smack and said this is all I could get and I said I do n't want none of that , but in the end we ended up doing it because we was bored and we had nothing else to do .
13 Well he was moving with the forklift , their forklift and he come back and he says
14 and split the case and all on the T V and he come back in he said oh I picked this up he said and the case fell to bits .
15 yeah , and he went up the plot and he come back and he said cor you can have plenty old erm cold sheds that he could have got , I said what do you really think , I played a free hand , you mean mum and dad 's hand
16 yeah , but he was here the other Sunday and he , he , they were , he , he was reading my paper and he come back and he the following Sunday he said you have n't got last Sunday 's paper mum , I said I do n't know I might , oh I think I threw it out , anyway just happened to find it , it was something he read of some woman that were meddling on the pools and the , the , what she 'd used , you know and the
17 The roar of the patrol boat 's huge petrol engines thrummed in his ears and he glanced back over his shoulder .
18 After Edward II 's overthrow in 1326 he was restored and he received back a substantial portion of his estates .
19 The atmosphere was thick with tension but I looked at Mick and he glared back ; here was a guy ready to go for it and nobody was going to stop him .
20 ‘ He went all the way along it with a torch , ’ Mackie said , stroking her husband 's arm , ‘ clever thing — and he came back after absolutely ages with Gareth 's camera and said you were n't there .
21 Before the American tour , John had already prepared his next new production , and he came back in time to supervise the final rehearsals before its premiere at Sadler 's Wells on 20 December .
22 With her face close to his , she 'd say , ‘ Knobser , Knobser , Knobser , Knobser , Knobser , ’ in a gentle voice until his eyes focused and he came back to her with a groan of recognition .
23 He said , well I only live next door you know in a , in a village school quite obviously they all lived nearby and he was only gone about two or three minutes and he came back and once again , the young lady will know , but erm men might not know , I know , skirt hangers , you know skirt hangers , they 're on springs are n't they ?
24 And he came back to er and started again and er he 'd just er er the big manufacturer engineering er people made us lace machines then and they started him off with three , and he 'd paid off one and part of the other when he died .
25 But I kept on thinking , he took me to the concert , and he came back here to her .
26 And he came back before me , ’ said Constance .
27 We were sitting there waiting to hear what the guy at the other end of the phone thought about it and he came back saying , It 's the worst thing anyone here has heard for a very long time — actually I think he was a little more abusive than that , but he went on — I do n't like it and I do n't know anyone else who would .
28 Anyway , he was gone a few minutes , and he came back smelling — you know .
29 Then I was working and my sister Mary started work and my father went out one night and he came back knocked the door and he was drunk as per usual .
30 If it was n't , and he came back and caught me , then I 'd have to fall back on my story as an over-enthusiastic games player .
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