Example sentences of "and he [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Mind , when I give 'im the wallet and 'e looked inside it , 'e was a mite more pleasant , even if I could n't see nothing but 'is mince pies and 'is 'ooter .
2 Well , 'e called , like 'e said 'e would , all wrapped up still , and I brought 'im in and 'e stood just where you 're standin' .
3 Eve and him holding tight , they could fly through the night
4 She remembered hesitating , choosing , picking the biggest and bluest cornflowers , and him looking up from his planting and saying quietly , ‘ If you pick the ones as are n't quite open yet , they 've a chance of lasting longer , maybe . ’
5 Yes David Price used to you know sort of er sit in our meetings yeah as a treasurer it made sense you know our treasurer and him to work together and all that .
6 She 's just , that 's just pulling their mind you I did say to her the last straw was Christmas day , can you imagine like , I mean me and him did n't have to , I did n't have to stay in and cook dinner , I done it cos she was there we 'd all be together , she did n't fucking come home .
7 They risk leaving him there and him going on to do damage to personal property .
8 " The rows started because of money and him going out all the time , " said the woman who arrived in the refuge on the same day as me .
9 ‘ I 'd always had a fantasy about living with an artist and waking up in the morning and him standing there with a canvas .
10 like them and I must say , tell him you wan na see them because me and him do n't talk very much because
11 There he learned that the original fleet was now in Sicily and he hastened on to Messina to join them .
12 His emotions were slotted into different compartments , and he locked up those that might get in the way of a safe drive back to the cottage .
13 ‘ He is not in good health , and he asks only that his nephew , Nathan , who is sixteen , shall be given the opportunity to work with the firm , starting at the lowest rung of the ladder , to learn the publishing business thoroughly .
14 She died in 1899 and he married again , a woman called Georgina , who appears to have died in 1905 .
15 The same uneasy feeling he 'd experienced that morning returned , and he realized now why it came : of all the people of Dynmouth this boy in his adolescence was the single exception .
16 He does , he likes to get in the bedroom and , and he fiddles on with the erm
17 Something occurred to him , and he punched out Terence Rigby 's number once again .
18 And he roared away into the night , the rough scales on his throat catching the breeze of his anger and making a hissing hum as he vanished .
19 Then they were gone , and he craned back to see behind him , to see if they were following .
20 The point which Lance Henderson makes and he stressed over and over again that he seeks no personal recognition at all and the point of retelling this story here long , long years after is that they should never be forgotten .
21 Dad knew it was no good arguing with her and he carried on with the job .
22 And it did n't worry him when he got into the sensitive parts with his drill ; my strangled cries were of no avail and he carried on remorselessly to the end : I had the impression that Hector thought it was cissy to feel pain , or maybe he was of the opinion that suffering was good for the soul .
23 I think he had a little bit of ill health and my immediate superior took over as Traffic Superintendent and he was there throughout the war and when I came out he was my boss and er you see and er and then in nineteen forty eight was made Transport Manager , because as you say we had to split from Electric Supply and he carried on until erm nineteen seventy two and erm , we had government reorganization and erm they did away with people like the Town Clerk and Transport Manager and erm erm was retired , early retirement , the same as the Town Clerk and erm they brought in a General Manager from away and brought in more staff with him and that was came in and er so I then applied for the position , which was going , there was , there was Traffic Superintendent was going er Chief Administration Officer , Chief Engineer and erm er Bodywork Maintenance Superintendent .
24 Well as I say , the police stopped them the other morning and one of the lads had a chat with the driver and all this and he carried on .
25 She went out and he carried on .
26 ‘ He left her lying there motionless in her own hall , the walls spattered with her blood , lying on her back and he carried on with his plan to steal , ’ Mr Burke said .
27 It was Tylor who first taught anthropology under this name at Oxford in 1884 and he carried forward and extended some of the theoretically more important strands in Morgan 's work .
28 From time to time he was instructed to raise money by conducting sales of wood from the king 's demesne , and he carried out the king 's policy regarding mining in the forest , which wavered between a desire to increase the Forest revenues and concern lest the vert be destroyed .
29 He was intensely aware of the importance of these ecclesiastical duties , and he carried out consecrations , and gave advice or judgements on discipline as necessary .
30 Finally , his inductivist conscience was satisfied and he carried out an inductive inference to conclude , ‘ I am always fed at 9 a.m . ’ .
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