Example sentences of "and i find [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Would he 've had time to take it home in between stealing it and me finding him ?
2 ‘ I look all evening , through the tin trunk , and I find him .
3 Er , but if we run out of time and I find we have n't we we we ca n't fit it all in I 'd like you all to attempt to do this for yourselves after er , the lecture is over .
4 That helps me a lot and I find I 'm able to assert myself a bit more .
5 It is water-soluble so you can smudge lines together ( often with a finger ) and I find I can go over and over many times before the painting becomes ‘ muddy ’ .
6 I drive many buses as well as cars and I find I 'm very aggressive in cars , but when I 'm sitting high up in the seat of a mini bus looking down on every one your not so aggressive , you feel well I 've got the right of way , nobody 's going to argue with me .
7 Vast amounts of money are made and I find it all very boring .
8 I also think it 's a question of being able to provide , certainly at the top of a company , a sense of direction and I find it hard to see how you can have an absolutely clear sense of direction unless you yourself are able to assess the essentials as you see them for success in your particular trade .
9 Although self-image does not obsess me as it once did , my interest continues and I find it exciting how fashions and looks have changed ; how many more possibilities there are for creativity and self-expression via clothes and image .
10 I have a Series III , two and a quarter SWB and I find it very difficult to start and keep going , even with the choke right out .
11 Unfortunately she now clings to me all the time and I find it terribly embarrassing and uncomfortable .
12 Personally I prefer port , and I find it strange that after an example set at Cana , in Galilee , churches persist in changing wine into watered down cordial .
13 Nearly all rack effects have their connectors at the back and I find it looks very untidy having cables hanging all over the front of an amp .
14 Dr Jim Swire , of the Lockerbie Action Group UK Families Flight 103 , said : ‘ The coincidence of the two flight numbers and the anniversary is a bit sinister and I find it hard to believe there is no connection .
15 I think Moira 's a very shrewd operator when she 's looking at paintings , and I find it very useful indeed .
16 As I knit the swatch , a ladder is created where the needles are out of work and I find it very easy to measure between the two ladders with my green ruler when the swatch is completed .
17 And I find it hard to believe , because first of all you have to understand the word ‘ intelligent ’ in the way he meant it and I 'm not sure that I know what he meant ; and there are any number of ways of being intelligent .
18 It is large , rich and compressed , but it is only of the eighth magnitude , and I find it very difficult with × 7 and not really easy with × 8.5 or × 12 , though with × 20 it is obvious enough .
19 To conclude , at no time do I write expertises for payment , and I find it strange that Mr Stock should dispute an independent scholar 's freedom of expression .
20 On that occasion , although one of them only was present , both counsel and solicitor were in court acting on their behalf , and I find it very difficult to accept that neither counsel nor solicitor at the conclusion of the hearing explained in the clearest terms to the second appellant precisely what it was that she and the first appellant were to be restrained from doing .
21 In Woolwich 's case the main authorities are set out chronologically as an appendix and I find it convenient to deal with them in that order and to describe the principle above referred to as ‘ the Woolwich principle . ’
22 I think there 's more to love than just simply romantic love erm , I 'm a volunteer campaigner with Oxfam and to me love includes love of my fellow man and fellow women throughout the world and I find it very hard at the moment that millions of people are starving in this world and I feel that I 've got to show my love by helping them
23 It does n't really want to and I find it difficult to believe and I 'm not sure I want to because I feel so fucking drained and sore , but the thing 's actually responding , fattening and firming and rising in her kneading , soap-slick hands .
24 Much rather be involved and I find it much more rewarding personally .
25 It 's one-party rule for the foreseeable future and I find it depressing . ’
26 ‘ I have known Alain all his life and I find it impossible to believe that he would commit suicide .
27 She would be fifty-three or four now and I find it difficult to believe that any woman who had had three children would n't show some curiosity about what happened to them once the glamour of life had worn a bit thin . ’
28 ‘ Yes , but my tongue runs away with me and I find it difficult to realize that Matt is dead . ’
29 But I slip down a couple of back roads and I find it soon enough .
30 In my mind all land/open space in Edinburgh should be eligible for the Community Woodland Supplement and I find it difficult to consider a preferential strategic plan in such an urban environment .
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