Example sentences of "and it be [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 Erm all that sort of leads me back to where I started from , our perception of this survey is that it 's encouraging in the sense that it suggests that the recovery in the economy is erm widening and deepening if you like , it 's widening in the sense that it 's spreading to all the mainland regions of the U K and it 's deepening in the sense that erm firstly , although there are regional variations within this , it 's clearly not purely an export story and it 's not purely a domestic story , it 's a mixture of the two which gives us some reassurance erm it 's also deepening in the sense that there 's no evidence from the survey of anything which is likely to trip up the recovery in the short term , and remember that most of these er questions relate to the next four months , not all of them , but mo most of them relate to the next four months so one does n't want to extrapolate too far forward but nevertheless if you look at erm er most obviously sort of the the crisis and the inflation questions , if you look at er
2 Its engine is missing badly and it 's circling round as if looking for a landing-place .
3 By noon the sun has come up and it 's getting very warm ; the orchard appears peaceful , the sound of guns seem a long distance away .
4 He says you lot ca n't play and it 's getting to him , it 's too much work for him to take on , what with his writing and everything .
5 There is a massive sub-culture there , looking backwards and it 's getting more insidious all the time .
6 It 's a seaside town on the west coast of Scotland and it 's getting all these American stars down there all the time . ’
7 In skipper Chris Dickson 's words : ‘ We 've dug ourselves a pretty big hole and it 's getting dark down there . ’
8 Making the transition from amateur to professional is an uphill struggle and it 's getting tougher every year , reports Steve Muncey .
9 ‘ We told Mum we would n't be late and it 's getting dark , ’ I mumbled .
10 I keep reading about South Africa 's problems and it 's getting daft ; here we face an international squad who have already played four Tests since returning to the world game and who have played 12 games together on tour .
11 You ca n't sleep you 're actually providing your own sleep deprivation and you say hey , next thing you know I really will be falling down the stairs ! but he does n't seem to get the joke and then it 's back to the cell and then the interview room with the barred , opaqued windows so you ca n't see out and they switch on the tape-machine recording everything as usual and it 's getting more bizarre ; they get me to do a Michael Caine voice !
12 And it 's getting darker , too . ’
13 So what does it — — and it 's getting bloody worse every time …
14 So nothing goes through the docks , the income 's still there and it 's getting bigger .
15 And , and , and it 's getting the idea of how that works is very important .
16 I mean I think you and say that you know I mean I think test matches are simply because you know over time , you know people are in to the one day cricket match , be the excitement and everything else and it 's getting increasingly more difficult for television companies to get sponsorship , commercial sponsorship for
17 This may look like a minute , but it 's not a minute , and it 's getting less one with every line .
18 We 've got a big hole to fill , and it 's getting filled in forty pound lumps at the moment .
19 And it 's getting worse .
20 and it 's getting past it to be honest .
21 Trying to get away from a trolley and it 's getting his back feet !
22 Well I think er yeah I definitely have to agree with you that we 're not hearing enough of them but I suppose more and more now people are starting to record you know a little bit more of the older stuff and I think what 's happened on the pop scene that they 've absolutely dried up as regards er creating new music you know and people are going into computerized music now and you know everything is played on the one machine and it 's getting like a er I do n't know it 's as as if you do n't really have to be a musician any more .
23 Where the water 's stuck and it keeps coming down and it 's getting quite wide where anyone could slip in .
24 By this time next month we 're just about at the solstice we 're find that it 's not getting light until about seven o'clock in the morning and it 's getting dark again by about half past three .
25 This is one of the projects that we 've inherited , incidentally run by another member of Sussex University , Dr. Dick West , which is recommending , and it 's getting a lot of strong support for this , that all children should have a balanced science education , including the physical sciences , up to the age of sixteen , and so that erm issue of choice will just not arise .
26 and it 's leaning forward and it 's
27 And it 's leaving them as blue as Chelsea 's shirts .
28 ‘ And the traffic will be so congested at this time of afternoon , you 'll hardly get down the High at all , and it 's clouding over , and Felicity should acclimatize herself before she goes out , particularly since Magdalen is so cold at this time of — ’
29 ‘ I 'll tell you what , ’ he said , ‘ you can have it for £60 as that 's the last size 10 I 've got , and I 've got to pack up in a minute and it 's raining .
30 The woodwind sextuplets at the end of ‘ Deh vieni non tardar ’ became an image of summer rain ; Susanna is in an English garden , the garden at Glyndebourne , and it 's raining
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