Example sentences of "and i could not " in BNC.

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1 And you 're forty something and straight and divorced and celibate and a mother and I could n't have found a more complicated situation to fall in love with .
2 And I could n't have done without the bike .
3 The first thing I noticed as we arrived at the famous pot was a fixed caving rope leading down into the dark abyss , and I could n't resist scrambling across to peer in .
4 My youngest girl has just been operated on and I could n't believe she only had two stitches .
5 My nightmares returned at a time when everything was crowding in on me and I could n't cope .
6 Then school started and I could n't wear pyamas to school so I wore my trousers and tops … when they saw them they ( the other wives ) said ‘ Oh ! that wo n't do !
7 I went into Harrods recently and I could n't believe how revolting most of the clothes were — and they were n't cheap , either .
8 sparkling and looked like it had n't been touched , and I could n't believe it .
9 ‘ I know it 's silly , I mean she 's dead , but it 's so cold and I could n't bear the idea of her just lying there . ’
10 I fell down , knocked me walking-frame over and I could n't get meself up again .
11 Once your pet has died you may be too distressed to dig the grave , as another owner testified ; ‘ It was raining hard and I could n't see through my tears , I just wanted to get her buried as quickly as possible . ’
12 And I could n't wait to get out .
13 I was looking forward to starting and I could n't wait to get home and tell Mum about it .
14 I wriggled until I could peer over the edge into the wet depths below and I could n't see him at all .
15 The dock looked dark beyond the curtain and I could n't see him , but he could indeed see me .
16 I did n't know how long it was , could n't feel as far as the end , and I could n't always judge how much space I needed to keep it clear .
17 I 'd had some terrible relationships , made some bad mistakes , and I could n't deal with that .
18 I think he got good medical care and was kept comfortable , and God decided he should die , and I could n't prevent it .
19 And I could n't believe my ears — ‘ Case dismissed . ’
20 We just had nothing in common and I could n't communicate with his dull business friends .
21 All the others thought it was so wonderful and I could n't understand what I was missing .
22 ‘ It was a family company and I could n't see any future for me as far as equity was concerned , ’ Goodwin says .
23 The problem had been that there had been a mix-up over my return tickets from Oslo and I could n't get back .
24 The traffic had been slightly congested there and I could n't have accelerated to thirty miles an hour .
25 Then she was blowing up like a bubble herself and getting fatter and fatter and more and more bulbous till she filled the whole sky and I knew that if she burst the explosion would drown me in mud too , and I could smell the slurry in my nostrils already and it was getting up my nose and I could n't breathe and …
26 I meant to be at the station , but these people came to look over the house and I could n't get away . ’
27 And I could n't reassure her enough , more than saying ‘ No , I have never had an affair with your husband ’ .
28 The little kid wanted to be an anti-star , and I could n't take my eyes off him .
29 Grace commented , ‘ Robbie is a lovely dog and I could n't give him up now , but I would never have dreamt that rescuing a dog could cause me to lose my home .
30 Well , I did keep pressing the Program/Channel button instead of the program decrement button , which puts the TriAxis into MIDI Channel mode and I could n't immediately work out how to get back to Program mode .
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