Example sentences of "and have a few " in BNC.

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1 Throughout the next two years I had lost interest in the game I would wait a few months and then in a space of a week I would go and have a few games it was n't until 1993 early January that I started playing regularly again I was determined to get a handicap and play in a few competitions sometime that year .
2 If you want to spend your Sundays curled up on the sofa , watching television , and having a few drinks , why not ?
3 It is worth discussing your child 's needs in detail and having a few rehearsal sessions before committing yourself to a job .
4 Going and having a few meals with him did n't seem evil or furtive in any way .
5 Actually , she could probably have married him and had a few nice babies with his laughing blue eyes , his loony hippy fluffy hair , and maybe her eyebrows .
6 He 'd been all over town and had a few vocals left , a few guitar bits , and was rather disenchanted with the studio he was using .
7 Today ( a wet Monday ) he was up as usual at 6.30 and had a few cornflakes and a pint of coffee .
8 He had such energy and drive , and liked to play hard as well as work hard , and had a few scrapes with his motorbike .
9 , writes : A FRIEND maintains that about 10 years ago he boarded a train in London , played cards and had a few drinks and did n't leave the train until he reached Paris .
10 actually we , mm , at some length and had a few ideas , erm I 've got an appointment with someone at the Arts Council in a couple of weeks that the Arts Council 's got a new fund called erm consultants in research and I thought I 'd make a bid to see if we can get someone
11 How would St Jerome shape up after he 'd caught a Dinky toy in the mouth and had a few handfuls of fettucine thrust into his armpit ?
12 ‘ So they went up to the village pub and had a few drinks .
13 Mr Wogan arrived and had a few words with me — and everybody else — but once again I do n't recall what we talked about .
14 As I said , Sunderland played well … and had a few chances on the break — only to be expected .
15 He played the first few premier league games this season instead of Wallace , and had a few rave reports .
16 He 's they 've opened an account with us and had a few bits and baps off us , so
17 That being the case , Ann and I quickly arranged to visit our son , to see his new home — and have a few casts ; and Blair took me to where he had landed his sea-trout , in the sea-pool between Clett headland and Rubha Glas , over the golden sands at Geireann .
18 It was mostly the village pub at Bourn we went to , or the similar one at Great Gransden , where we would sit in front of the fire and have a few drinks , and Henry would try to get Rosemary into a corner .
19 However , for the best effects of all , turn off the main room light and have a few lamps in corners to read by and so on .
20 Buy the shirts large and have a few for variety .
21 Then the next morning when he was still sleeping it off , Doris 'd go off to the pub herself and have a few , and bring back a quart of mild , and they 'd get drunk again together .
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