Example sentences of "and in [adj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 In three of 27 patients at stage II/III and in 93 of 159 patients at stage IV an infective agent was identified in stool or gastrointestinal biopsy ( p<0.001 ) .
2 Grandson was rewarded by Edward with extensive land grants in England , especially in Kent , and also in Ireland , and in 1275 with the wardenship of the Channel Islands , later transformed into a life grant .
3 This shift led to the return in 1892 of Keir Hardie as the first independent labour MP , and in 1898 of the first labour council in British electoral history .
4 By Gascon custom , observed in 1254 by Henry III and in 1306 by Edward I , this could only be the king-duke 's eldest son .
5 In 1988 the applicant was charged with six other offences , and in 1989 with two further offences which had been under investigation since 1983 .
6 Besides , where a prince had contracted more than one marriage , there might be disputes among the offspring of his various wives , as occurred after the death of William V of Aquitaine , and in 1032 in the royal family .
7 Between 1945 and 1970 there were five : in 1948–9 into questions of possible bribery of ministers , chaired by Mr Justice Lynskey ; in 1957–8 into leakage of bank rate , chaired by Lord Justice Parker ; in 1959 into allegations of police assault on a boy , chaired by Lord Sorn ; in 1962–3 into a case of spying in which a minister 's moral behaviour might have been involved , chaired by Lord Radcliffe ; and in 1966–7 into the responsibility for the Aberfan disaster , chaired by Lord Justice Edmund Davies .
8 Road haulage overtook rail as a carrier of freight in 1959 in Spain and in 1957 in Britain ( by which time BTC no longer ran the road haulage industry ) .
9 They performed far worse in their own target seats ( see table ) and in two of their four gains — Bath and Cheltenham — had a strong following wind that was n't of their making .
10 Inappropriate staining with antibodies to blood group antigens was therefore seen in the colonic mucosa of 10 of 11 ( 91% ) of PSC patients and in two of six ( 33% ) normal controls and seven of 18 ( 42% ) of disease controls .
11 Recurrent pouchitis or persistent pouchitis unresponsive to the customary course of metronidazole , occurred in three of five Crohn 's patients and in two of five with indeterminate colitis compared with only two of 16 with ulcerative colitis .
12 In 24 patients ( 86% ) the Dieulafoy disease was located within the stomach ; in 17 patients ( 61% ) it was found at the classic site within 6 cm from the gastroesophageal junction ( in eight cases near the lesser curve , in two near the greater curve , in three on the anterior wall , in two on the posterior wall , and in two in a hiatus hernia immediately below the oesphageal-gastric junction ) ; in five patients in the corpus ; and in two patients proximal from the anastomosis after gastric resection .
13 The most versatile of the vinegars , these are used for general cookery and in many of the classic sauces .
14 In the Goya wail paintings today fittingly displayed in the Prado , and in many of his other works , one sees again and again these formidable elephantine rocks lowering over a cringing humanity trying to find shelter in a bandit landscape .
15 Fenn Wright Spurlings , for example , has just sold ( for about £380,000 ) the Old Vicarage in Stoke-by-Nayland , saying that the area is ‘ a favourite subject of the painter John Constable and appears in a number of well-known paintings and in many of his sketches , some of which show the house itself ’ .
16 Okay , maybe I should know all this by now , but I do n't and I bet there are a lot of new readers who also read the mag and in many of the reviews there comes a point where they say to themselves , ‘ what 's one of them ? ’
17 There are notions of a Creator in Hinduism , and in many of the indigenous religions in Africa .
18 In most adult insects , and in many of their larvae , the body-wall of a typical segment is divisible into four definite sclerotized regions : a dorsal region or tergum , a ventral region or sternum , and a lateral region or pleuron on each side of the body .
19 For example , computing has infiltrated most professions now without any great ballyhoo , and in many of the ‘ people-professions ’ the attitude to the client has shifted steadily towards a rather less authoritarian one .
20 Along the foot of the South Downs north of Chichester there is the well-known Goodwood raised beach at about 30–40 m ( 100–130 ft ) OD , with gravels which are readily recognisable as beach material : a low raised beach a few feet above present high tide level is to be found on the Gower peninsula in South Wales ; on the west coast of Scotland a raised beach at approximately 7 5 m ( 25 ft ) OD occurs on many of the islands , such as Arran , and in many of the lochs .
21 It is evident in the images of Kubla Khan , in The Rime of the Ancient Mariner , and in many of his later poems such as The Pains of Sleep , Youth and Age and Duty Surviving Self-Love .
22 Out in the garden Keith has built dry stone walls to provide a natural habitat for thousand of insects , and in many of the trees bat and bird boxes .
23 Throughout all these episodes France had believed that its basic national interests were being threatened — in 1961 and 1965 by developments within the EEC itself , and in 1963 by Britain ( and , by implication , the United States ) .
24 He became a member of the Irish House of Commons and in 1667 of the Irish Privy Council .
25 In 1686 he supplied imported silks and other luxury textiles to the Duchess of Somerset and in 1689–90 to Queen Mary II .
26 Graft infection by HBV occurred in 8 of 10 patients infected with HBV only ; and in 4 of 5 patients with previous HBV and HDV infection .
27 But the family sizes of women married in 1945 and in 1954 after 10 years ' marriage were 1.79 and 1.96 children respectively — a difference of only 10 per cent .
28 But in 1979 , it rose again to 13.4 per cent and in 1980 to 18 per cent .
29 By 1985 it had overtaken the latter , reaching $25m. , and retained its position in 1986 with $30m. and in 1987 with $35m .
30 Total fee income doubled between 1977 and 1983 , and Spencer Stuart firmly established its position as third of the Big four by 1985 , with $33m. maintained in 1986 with $43m. and in 1987 with $56m .
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