Example sentences of "a [adj] time when " in BNC.

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1 It is a little time when we can talk together , and I encourage her to talk about her father .
2 Although you should make a specific time when candidates can ask their own questions you should also allow time for questions which arise naturally at an earlier stage of the interview .
3 She could not recall a specific time when it had been moved .
4 To avoid inconvenience it may be scheduled to run at a specific time when LIFESPAN itself is not required .
5 Husameddin is even more specific , writing that Molla Fenari was , on his return , given his old professorship and [ then ( ? ) ] made kadi of Bursa a second time when Molla Yegan Mehmed Celebi ( Molla Yegan ) retired from the post in 818/1415–16 .
6 She had just pressed it a second time when she heard a faint voice above the High Street traffic .
7 Well the Bill was , who was the manager in those days was very much the manager , and there was one of the directors used to play for the Villa , and he used to more or less look after the playing side which the rest of the directors never seemed to interfere with , they , they left the management up to the manager the selection of the team , Bill and the trainer when they were in the second division was Arthur who 's manager of Derby County now , he had the , I believe he had a sad time when he was at Walsall he , he lost his wife in a car accident and
8 If you make a statement which gives a stated time when something happened , do n't be vague or make it up , give the exact time or say you do n't know .
9 Erm it maybe that in this alteration the erm it 's worth just spending a minute on whether B eight should just be kept out of the frame for the moment and it 's something that gets dealt with at a later time when more policies are in play .
10 Not that they expected anything other than a hard time when they visited Barnsley .
11 ‘ But he gave me such a hard time when I was unfaithful . ’
12 I can not remember a previous time when we have bought back a former council house .
13 This is a tense time when everyone firmly believes ( wrongly ) that German soldiers are about to ‘ take over ’ .
14 But two weeks is a long time when the markets believe that the Government has no clear policy .
15 Three years did n't seem such a long time when one of them had elapsed , and although Robyn was satisfied that she was highly valued by her colleagues , the talk at the University these days was all of further cuts , of tightening belts , deteriorating staff-student ratios .
16 There had been a long time when he had been surrounded by wire and bars .
17 I cried for a long time when I saw that big dark hole in the ground , and we put his body in the grave .
18 She added : ‘ You have to make a big commitment to complete distance learning courses , and two years can be a long time when you are faced with constant learning .
19 Erm now , something that puzzled me for quite a long time when I started out doing philosophy of language er one or two years ago erm frequently you hear claims or we hear claims to the effect that this is a logical form of this sentence or this is the structure of this sentence , or this is the semantic structure of this sentence and I was never quite sure what that actually meant erm it 's partly because apart from Davidson , erm a lot of people who write on these issues do n't actually tell you what the background theory is and exactly what the point of the assignment of structured sentences is supposed to be , erm however after thinking about it for a while , I 've arrived at the following following general view there are at least three rather different enterprises er which might lead you to assign sentence structure and er one needs to figure out the relations between them .
20 ‘ It was awful , Guy , ’ she whispered , after a long time when neither of them moved or spoke .
21 It seemed a long time when I was a little girl , ’ added Mrs Teasdale .
22 Well it 's alright it 's not that long I suppose it 's a long time when you 're six .
23 You know he sounded a long time when he was saying it .
24 Some prefer to have a regular time when they purposely sit down and talk about themselves , their feelings and their hurts .
25 They were packed , with stunning girls in evening frocks escorted by officers on leave from all three services , and lucky locals like Charles with nothing very much to do except have a good time when duties permitted .
26 But how can you have a good time when you keep being reminded about ‘ the gulf between people who have stuff and the people who have shit ’ , or that ‘ the world does n't make sense [ to me ] any more ’ ?
27 If they do go ahead and put the application in , which I think they will , then , that 's the start of the process , so that 's a good time when we will need to really step up the campaign and we will get National speaker 's to meetings , we will get probably a petition , we will go round the area like we did over the er non funding , but we had to do something quickly , to , to make it clear , you know , we do n't want this to go ahead .
28 If the English do not like children , it is because they think they ought to behave properly , responsibly and quietly in their presence and can never riot or have a good time when they 're around .
29 I was in my late twenties and , like any sailor , I liked a good time when I was on leave .
30 This is a good time when you ca n't make rude noises
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