Example sentences of "a [adj] than [art] " in BNC.

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1 It was a smashing exhibition , that looked more like the charge in a one-dayer than the eighth of 15 available sessions in a Test .
2 I suppose this is more of a forewarning than a request for permission , as I was going to send them this week anyway .
3 The masquerade of camp becomes less a self-concealment than a kind of attack , and untruth a virtue : many a young man , says Wilde , ‘ starts with the natural gift of exaggeration which , if encouraged could flourish .
4 Generally speaking , it is less common for a woman to join a rural than an urban trade union and women who do participate are not so conscious of their exploitation at work and in the home .
5 ‘ It 's always nice to get on the scoresheet , but I really do see myself more as a goal-maker than a goalscorer .
6 He opens with a history of homebuilts dating from Sir George Cayley ( who would have approved the sage advice to get an experienced hand to make the first test flight of your creation , though in his case the unfortunate man was more adept at handling a coach-and-four than a flying machine ) and proceeds through the Flying Flea era to the post-war rebirth in France and the USA , thence to Rutan and the foam/fibreglass revolution , and on to the 1980s emergence of IFR-capable alabaster-smooth hot-rod kitplanes that will blow the socks off anything Vero Beach and Wichita are ( or more accurately are n't ) building .
7 Even so , a sense of vocation is noticeable among most field officers , even many of the older ones : pollution control is still conceived of and practised more as a calling than a job .
8 The monk , nun or vicar could , for example , be described as a more involved member than the old lady who attends Matins each Sunday ; she , in turn , is more involved than those who go to church only at Christmas and Easter ; and they are probably more committed than the sailor who , when he fills out C of E on a form , is more likely to be making a cultural than a religious statement .
9 More convincing is the idea of ‘ structured dependence ’ , which suggests that dependency in old age is more usually a social than a biological or individual creation .
10 The researcher engaged in the social study of baptism may well decide at an early stage of the study that in modern British society baptism is more of a social than a religious ceremony .
11 The initial hypothesis suggested above about baptism being more a social than a religious ceremony is so general and broad that it obviously can not be tested without being broken down into its constituent parts .
12 I told him last week that he looked more like a German than a Frenchman and he became very cross . ’
13 Changes in money supply from this source are likely to be much greater under a fixed than a floating exchange rate .
14 And yet , it is said the Rochesters have been a violent than a quiet race in their time , perhaps though , that is the reason they rest tranq tranquilly in their graves now .
15 Her Majesty 's Inspectorate of Schools is more of a lap-dog than a rottweiler .
16 In the early scenes she sometimes seems less like a human than a terrified wild animal , and she is in extraordinary form in her first public apppearance at Mrs Higgins 's tea party , moving with the stiffness of an automaton and speaking in a voice that sounds like a Martian after a course at the Berlitz .
17 Their concept of support was also very broad , and their assessment more of a quantitive than a qualitive one .
18 To the island inhabitants of Britain , such peoples remain distant ( though the English Channel constitutes now more a psychological than a physical barrier ) , with alien cultures , different interests , and different thought processes .
19 Visually it is less tiring for the eye to follow a smooth than a serrated or intermittent line .
20 By any description , the National Socialist League sounds more like the germ of a situation-comedy than a serious political movement .
21 At times it has behaved more like a cancer-prevention than an environmental agency , making such scientifically dubious decisions as wanting to remove asbestos from school buildings and to ban substances with a microscopically small risk of causing cancer .
22 Mm my feet are sweating now , but , she seems to have a bug in there or summat , cos it 's more like a burning than a sweat , it
23 Betty thought he looked more like a gipsy than a minister — ; a good gypsy .
24 She could be described as prejudiced but she can no more be called a racist than a rape victim who hates men can be called sexist .
25 England 's Nigel Redman gets beats the Eagles ' Chuck Tunnacliffe ( left ) and Norm Mottram ( black headband ) to the ball with a more than a little help from prop Jason Leonard as England beat the USA 37–9 in their World Cup Pool One clash .
26 I said well no I cos I said I expected a co I think she deserved a more than a commended .
27 It is more of a cabal than a cabinet , more of a permanent diplomatic conference than a senate .
28 For all the earthy language and talk of struggles to come , it sounded more like community singing in a bomb-shelter than a call to arms .
29 Thus the jive-talking black American youth from the inner city ghetto with his cool , arrogant manner and colourful clothes is more likely to be defined as a delinquent than the white ‘ all-American girl ’ from the tree-lined suburbs .
30 In the last interview he gave to a French journalist before the war began , Ho , in envisaging the way in which ‘ at all costs war must be averted ’ , seemed to accept independence within the French Union ; although unless this was based on a total misunderstanding of the nature of the French Union , which also seems unlikely , this was probably more of a smoke-screen than a smoke-signal .
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