Example sentences of "a [adj] or [adj] " in BNC.

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1 In their recall task the subjects were asked to watch the silent film , and then a deaf or hearing person was introduced who had not seen the film .
2 After all , the median voter rule suggests that it is the way in which the middle two voters in the income distribution vote that determines the outcome of a rich or poor majority .
3 He composed his blends not only according to the flavour of the juice , but also according to what the weather had been like that year — an early or late development , depending on the amount of cold or rain there had been — and according to whether the vines had grown a rich or mediocre foliage .
4 That is not a retrospective or prescriptive but a descriptive process and will allow the citizens of this country to measure the standards of service that they receive from their local authorities .
5 The counsellor may often find that this period also coincides with the onset of a depressed or confused state of mind , suggesting that it is the problems and difficulties which occurred around this time that require counselling attention .
6 There will still be reasons , adduced below , for objecting to an account of predicate qualifiers as based on either clauses or abstract clauses , but on the general suggestion that an abstract clause , of this or that design , might be a useful grammatical device , we may point out that , as we remarked in Section 3.7 , a claim that some structure is a reduced form of a clause is not explanatory ; and it does not become more explanatory if the appeal is to a hypothetical or abstract clause .
7 On the other hand , a ridden horse with his ears pricked forward is probably concentrating on an object or another horse it has seen , which could result in a shy or other forms of misbehaviour .
8 Where space is really tight , or if you do n't need a 12-place setting machine , think about a slimline or compact model .
9 Expect to pay around £1.80 per foot for a Scots or Norwegian Pine and around £3 for a fir .
10 This is a small-scale or unofficial credit union where people group together to help each other with major purchases , though we heard that the current rate of inflation has made it difficult for such groups to attract support .
11 Kramer points out ( as I have done ) that there may be the particular advantage of wider choice or plurality in these cases , but they are the advantages of a private or mixed market , not of voluntarism as such .
12 Alternatively , reliance may be placed on the common law , alleging that the odour amounts to either a private or public nuisance at law .
13 Where odours arising from offensive trades are , however , in the opinion of the local authority a statutory nuisance within s.92 of the Public Health Act 1936 the local authority is under a duty to take action to seek the odour 's abatement and compliance with the byelaws bestows no immunity in respect of any action which may be taken using the statutory nuisance provisions , nor in respect of any action for a private or public nuisance at common law .
14 The term sub-contractor may apply equally to a private or public company , any corporate or public body , as well as any individual self employed person or partnership .
15 A private or public meeting of any proposed witnesses might be called for the purpose of considering what local evidence could be adduced to support Mr. Fraser 's report .
16 This was not an offence under the Act because it does not extend to the domestic situation and a club having a private membership enjoys a private or domestic status .
17 The management of the trustees is really , I venture to think , of the nature of what is described in one of the rules as a private or domestic use , and so described for the purpose of making it clear that it is not to be allowed as a deduction .
18 When compulsory environmental impact statements are produced for Parliament for a private or hybrid Bill , the promoter obviously has to pay for the environmental impact assessment .
19 In all localities social workers introducing or visiting an elderly person in a private or voluntary Home have an overall responsibility for all residents , if there are disquieting indications to report ( Marshall , 1988 ) .
20 The access to a site or any part of the site may be over a private or unadopted road .
21 As part of the what the stores back in the mid eighties were more expensive suites and so too conflicting we had a fifty or twenty five pound coffee table we sold the two greater mixture so its a methodology of just an ordinary table for exactly without conflict .
22 Why , as urban sociologists such as those we reviewed in the last chapter argued , should a spatial or urban sociology not also be concerned with the class relations of production ?
23 Questions about the ‘ core ’ and ‘ boundary ’ of a discipline imply a spatial or territorial metaphor ; but another way of getting at the nature of disciplines is to explore their internal structure .
24 The mild clinical disease corresponded with either a persistent or smouldering lobular hepatitis or a non-inflammatory HBV carrier state .
25 If they sell someone else this week to a Spanish or Italian club ( I assume it can only be Macca or Rocastle ) then they want shooting .
26 This version was called a solid or everlasting syllabub .
27 To obtain the greatest possible simplification of the spectrum , the sample must be cooled ( as a gas by expansion through a supersonic nozzle in a high-pressure carrier gas such as He or Ar , or as a solid or matrix-isolated sample ) so that the initial excitation populates only a single level at a time .
28 First , the decision-maker might have some interest of a pecuniary or personal nature in the outcome of the proceedings .
29 Where a member of staff was previously satisfied with work practice in a section , he or she may become a discontented or frustrated worker , because expectations were increased , together with knowledge and skill , only to be stifled by lack of interest on return to work .
30 Out of context , or in a neutral context , ‘ liquid ’ is either a possible or unexpected trait of butter .
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