Example sentences of "a [noun] over [art] " in BNC.

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1 I knew I was courting disaster without a rope and partner on , so rushed around below the ice cliffs of the snout to see if I could force a route over the smooth slabs and close to the col .
2 It sails like a galleon over the wide , flat expanse of Holderness , its symmetry and many pinnacles lead the eye up to its perfectly proportioned spire which crowns the central tower ’ .
3 Experiment 2 — A Trial over a Long Period
4 THE economy faces a severe slowdown and possibly a recession over the coming months .
5 Outside the Roman city walls ( though in the heart of the modern city ) lay a great cemetery area ; and here , between 379 and 386 , St Ambrose built a basilica over the martyria of two Roman martyrs , St Gervasius and St Protasius ; and beside them in his own basilica Ambrose himself was laid to rest .
6 George Underwood : David was always a bit over the top and he decided to write to John Bloom , a millionaire business , saying something to the effect ‘ Brian Epstein has got The Beatles but you can have us ’ , but Bloom was n't that interested and passed his letter to Les Conn , an agent . ’
7 In the shady corner , I wanted to create more of a woodsy atmosphere and probably went a bit over the top with primulas — not just wild primroses and oxlips but some of their prettier hybrids , like the dark-leaved , mauve-pink flowered ‘ Garryarde Guinevere ’ and the enchanting little double lilac primroses ‘ Quakers ' Bonnets ’ .
8 Watson duly noted the amount of ‘ gushing praise ’ the film was receiving , asked what all the ‘ fuss ’ was about and , on finding no real answer , concluded that the reviews were ‘ a bit over the top ’ .
9 We 've experimented with him a bit over the years , and I think we 've got it about right now . ’
10 If you found the opening pitch a bit over the top , the follow-up would gross you out completely .
11 That may sound a bit over the top , but do not tune out yet .
12 I sat and pondered these options for some time before deciding that numbers 1 and 2 were probably a bit over the top ( especially if it WAS Darren White that she really fancied ! ) .
13 Cosmetically , the NY-5 is a bit over the top .
14 Bouncing the rhythm and lead guitars and reprocessing them was , I admit , a bit over the top but , even so ( apart from a slight dulling of the sound , easily compensated for in the final mix ) , I thought the results were very good .
15 It 's possible to use a normal setup , with amplifier , Power Tool and speaker cabinet , introduce an external preamp into the sound at the same time and DI the sound from the Power Tool direct into a mixer ( that 's possibly a bit over the top , but it can be done ) .
16 Pat Morley , producer of RTE 's major youth programme Beatbox , said : ‘ It 's a bit over the top for us , it might offend viewers . ’
17 I thought that was going a bit over the top ( laughs ) .
18 But how about Audrey , the ‘ silly woman , a bit over the hill ’ she 's played since 1979 ?
19 I might suggest that perhaps eighty three miles an hour is a bit over the top anyway .
20 Er a and he jazzed this up a little bit , and perhaps I think he 's gone a bit over the top on it .
21 We put our own reasons onto those who are addicted to alcohol in order to explain why they drink so much ; " he 's a good chap , enjoying himself , having a bit of fun , relaxing , celebrating — but on occasions he goes a bit over the top " .
22 If so — that 's the year of the Cockerel I enclosed a bit over the page about it .
23 A bit over the edge .
24 Not for nothing have the return invitations dwindled a bit over the years .
25 Purists may just possibly consider the analogy with Kipling 's powerful verse a bit over the top , bordering on the hyperbole , but what matter ?
26 Even so , the older woman 's reactions had been a bit over the top .
27 But , while her non-dramatic soul was saying that to present herself at Vasey 's looking the way she did was going a bit over the top , she had never been dismissed from a job before .
28 No , do n't you think that 's going a bit over the top ?
29 yeah , she maybe does , but I think she 's trying to , to try and promote the fact that aids patients are harmless , because a lot of aids patients are very isolated , people do n't want to know them , they think you can catch it through shaking hands , drinking out the same cup and all that , and I think she 's trying to prove that look I 'm alright , so should you be , but she does go a bit over the top
30 No it 's it 's , she was a bit over the hill for it I 'm afraid .
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