Example sentences of "a [noun] when his " in BNC.

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1 Alan Parker comes up with a winner when his cast of unknowns forms a working-class band that lights the torch of opportunity in Dublin 's mean streets .
2 The battered instrument had been Paddy Byrne 's most treasured possession and he had played it like a genius when his belly was full of beer .
3 They hunted and fished and went racing together , and there was a gap when his father died .
4 And few will now back a manager who sends on a defender when his side is struggling to retrieve pride and reputation , let alone the result .
5 The plaintiff , an experienced workman , was cleaning a machine when his hand was pulled into the machine and he lost the tip of a finger .
6 He was only four and a half when his father died .
7 Her heart plummeted with the thought that he would be away again , and then hitched to a halt when his words registered .
8 A MAN brought a French TGV high speed train to a halt when his hand got stuck down a lavatory .
9 Charles Brown , for example , was born in Northamptonshire in 1855 and had to go to work as a boy when his father , an agricultural labourer earning 12s. a week , was taken ill .
10 Bill were not more than a baby when his brother Harold died .
11 Quick and easy checks can be made on scripts or marks sheets if an administrative error is suspected by a student when his or her marks do not live up to expectations .
12 David Buckley , 29 , of Speke , Merseyside , was giving a friend a lift when his car clipped the kerb , somersaulted 15ft and smashed through a lamp-post .
13 Ernest had made a will when his wife died and left everything to his only child .
14 There are other less forbidding images : a shipping magnate with ‘ a kind face ’ , or a vicar 's wife who ‘ used to box dear Grandpapa ’ lovingly on the ears because ‘ he would sometimes slyly give the servant 's elbow a tip when his daily tablespoonful of brandy was being poured out . ’
15 A PILOT called Randy went into a tailspin when his girl-friend gave him the elbow .
16 No doubt Morse will feel the need for more than a tipple when his past catches up with him in that new series starting tonight at 8.00 p.m. here on Central .
17 His shadowed eyes roved around , as though he were personally serenading each woman in the room , and Shelley felt a shiver when his glance rested on her neat fair head and blue eyes .
18 However , Vale keeper Paul Musselwhite — a villain when his side lost to Stoke in the League three weeks ago — emerged as the hero by brilliantly turning aside Nigel Gleghorn 's last-minute effort .
19 Unfazed by the fact that we may be off making a cuppa when his big moment hits the screens , Des has set his sights on playing James Bond in Goldblender , perhaps ?
20 You know that Gillian 's father decamped with a nereid when his daughter was as yet but ten , or twelve , or fifteen or something — at what is falsely termed ‘ an impressionable age ’ , as if all ages were not so characterisable .
21 They had been in the middle of a party when his call came .
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