Example sentences of "a [noun] but you " in BNC.

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1 If you ca n't remember something , that can be a bit of a trial but you can get used to that .
2 Er as a end result that number , that 's a function but you have to do something with it .
3 ‘ Yes , yes , but , well , you 'll excuse me if I frown a bit but you and Van Gelder are the two most important people on this ship . ’
4 . This is an alcohol it has an O H group so it is a butanole but you have to indicate where the O H group actually is it 's either on four or it 's on one .
5 So if you can not decide what the icon that looks like a milk churn with an overgrown mushroom beside it means you can select it and discover that it means Paste Clipboard contents — oh perhaps it is supposed to be a drawing pin besides a board but you could have fooled me !
6 Jeans and a T-shirt but you never noticed what Zosie wore .
7 You can fake a pout but you ca n't fake a blush , and Schiffer 's colour heightens markedly as soon as sex is mentioned .
8 back to the drawing board you 've got a backbone but you 've not got anywhere near a shocking front page .
9 ‘ A major misconception is to treat IT as a department but you ca n't hive it off , it has to pervade an organisation and be built into marketing , sales , finance , production and so on . ’
10 If you want to experiment at home , it 'll cost you far less than in a salon but you should get a friend to help put the rollers in to get perfectly even curls .
11 You will not always get a reply but you may be surprised at how often you do .
12 You may still be a child but you are the only person in this dreadful place who understands the meaning of care .
13 You 'll have a brilliant time , it 's such a laugh but you ca n't drink , that 's the only thing , you ca n't drink inside , they do n't sell alcohol unless you 've got I D and there 's about four people there that are actually eighteen anyway .
14 And you try and find a place but you ca n't find one but you said you 're moving out so you 've got to go along with it .
15 I 'd have liked a job but you could n't , because the men had to be looked after , you just had to be there .
16 I 've heard about a cockatoo but you 're talking about the hens cockerels .
17 Well all the way from , they used to come from and they used to have some sunbonnets on , I always remember they used to have the , I 'm not a dressmaker but you know a la they do n't like frills down the back that used to hang down the back and the I remember them coming round selling blocks of salt .
18 At the same time they tried other jobs , the sort of also-ran jobs the music business is full of where you never become a celebrity but you are paid union rates and allowed to stand nearby .
19 First off , you drive a cab but you 're not a licensed Hackney Carriage . ’
20 You may not consider yourself as either a salesperson or a negotiator but you are a persuader nonetheless .
21 Never a day but you think of
22 BELVILLE : [ surprised at this prudery — and wishing to be off ] My dear , I count every hour of absence from you a day but you may believe I can not help it .
23 that er you 're not you know , take her back on a Sunday but you 're not picking her up on a Friday , I said she 's got a train pass make her come home
24 You think of yourself as a realist but you 're really full of this romantic bullshit about the moon .
25 I 'm not dismissing your desire for a baby but you should ask yourself why there 's such a gap in your life .
26 Overtime payments in special circumstances could bring those wages up to £40 a week but you had it was an amazing effort .
27 If the offer is accepted , the estate agent might ask for a deposit as a commitment but you are not obliged to hand this over .
28 Kersey said : ‘ I 've been checking ; there 's nothing in his diary to say that M was a woman but you ca n't get M out of Kevin Brand . ’
29 J R Hartley is one of those names which rings a bell but you ca n't quite place it until you see the face — and then you remember the television commercial .
30 You 're worth an A mate but you 're only gon na get a C.
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