Example sentences of "a [noun] long [coord] " in BNC.

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1 The jeans 'll be a bit long and the jacket 'll drown you , but at least you 'll be protected a bit if we come off — oh , and I 've got a lid for you to try .
2 To fix the sledge you use the snow hook , shaped like a double fish hook but about a foot long and wide .
3 The paper-stripper was about a foot long and nine inches wide .
4 Each fat little grub is a creamy colour with a brown ‘ head ’ and , when nearly mature , is about a centimetre long and curled in a ‘ C ’ -shape .
5 She studied his face a moment longer but it gave nothing away .
6 The new work also involved the construction of a road over a quarter of a mile long but no unexpected difficulties were experienced , either with this or the realigned route of the railway .
7 The best-known is Les Grands Sables , over a mile long and backed by cliffs where the gorse-bushes were explosions of butter-yellow fireworks .
8 Freight trains are a mile long and their lonely whistles do blow whoo-whoo in the night ; Coney Island hot dogs do come with a million toppings ; hamburgers are gigantic .
9 This fearful cleft , a mile long and hundreds of feet deep , is Corrieshalloch Gorge , a natural wonder , a spectacle unique and , at first sight , startling and even alarming .
10 We 're half a mile long and young and old and white and black and girl and boy , looking for a monster to kill or create .
11 This too was a major piece of engineering , some half a mile long and eighteen feet wide , and making use of an estimated 4,000 oak trees .
12 In the last 20 years they have been using invisible nylon gill nets half a mile long and more .
13 About a litre long and as stiff as Liberace .
14 Adults grow to over a metre long and generate electricity of up to 300 volts , while even baby electric catfish only 2 centimetres long can produce 10 volts .
15 It was about a metre long and as thick as his wrist .
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