Example sentences of "a [noun] [coord] give " in BNC.

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1 Water , having penetrated the roofing felt ( this could even be in the middle of the roof ) , could run along a joist and give problems with the wall .
2 It was partly with the new saw table and also he wanted to try and get more er sellable saleable product out of the slate , cos previously we had been throwing away quite a bit or giving it to and I think it really started as a family argument between him and his brother .
3 He said he 'd put them away for a bit and give them to Oliver when he started smoking again .
4 When will the Secretary of State make a decision and give us an answer on that most important issue ?
5 The first is that of Aphrodite and Adonis : Aphrodite , the great Goddess , hides the child Adonis in a chest and gives him to Persephone , Goddess of the Underworld , who falls in love with Adonis and refuses to give him back .
6 [ He opens a chest and gives PAMELA jewellery , a dress and some underclothes belonging to his mother . ]
7 This lets off grandad who makes grandson John a toy and gives it to him for Christmas .
8 ‘ I 'll give you letters of introduction saying you 're a writer and to give you any help you need . ’
9 Jackie was asked if she would take a Thoroughbred mare who had been abandoned in a field and give her a home as a brood mare — but part of the deal was that she also took the pony who had been left with her .
10 The studio thinks Vic 's a genius and gave him as much as they could until the insurance boys dug their heels in over big-name leads falling out of a canoe and then they went down the list and found a couple of guys the industry could afford to lose .
11 Peasants and miners were formed into a militia and given several days training , then stationed behind earthworks hurriedly thrown up on beaches , such as at Seaton , which became ‘ a handsome fence forbidding any foe 's invasion ’ , or in the iron age forts .
12 They set off quite cheerily , but when they were within a few miles of the tarmac coast road , the truck hit a gully and gave a sickening lurch .
13 ‘ The rumours that Madhuri will shortly settle down as a housewife and give up acting are pure lies , ’ said Sanjay .
14 Anya produces a rusty mortice-key , struggles with a lock and gives the door a kick that finally opens it .
15 Schools which create a department or give teachers specific responsibilities for meeting individual needs can , inadvertently , reduce the responsibility of all teachers .
16 It was not a question of implying a term but giving the proper construction to the relevant word .
17 The British Museum agreed to get him a permit and to give him a grant , in return for any antiquities he might discover .
18 His hands sometimes stopped shaking long enough for him to light a fag or give his teeth the once-over with Pepsodent , but that was every other Scumday in a month with a zed in it .
19 He said the men made Mrs Kennedy phone Ulster Television and ask for cameras but then agreed to speak to a priest and gave themselves up .
20 They may also write letters to Sinterklaas setting out what gifts they would like to receive , or do a drawing or give him a small present .
21 In multi-layered music , one or more layer can be an ostinato ( a repeated phrase which creates the background atmosphere of a piece and gives it unity and cohesion ) .
22 Remember you can not receive a confrontation and give one at the same time .
23 They spoke good Spanish : if they promised to interpret for me , I said , I 'd rent a car and give them a ride .
24 Well leaving them a key or giving them the key to get in .
25 One childless career woman described the scene when she discussed having a child and giving up work for a while .
26 Not necessarily no , piggyback is where you asked , you asked me several questions and su and then either added another question to it or asked a question and gave an answer and by doing that you are limiting my responses and I was n't sure which an which question I was answering .
27 This work , by Singer and Wynne ( 1966 ) , demonstrated communication abnormalities characterised by disruptions , vagueness , irrelevance and lack of closure ( such as answering with a question or giving contradictory information ) .
28 For instance , twice as many subjects in Wales were referred to a specialist or given an abdominal examination than in Humberside and Yorkshire , and half as many were prescribed tablets .
29 She had learned as a girl and given herself a week 's holiday for a thirtieth birthday present .
30 The case was subsequently dismissed but a rumour arose that Andrew Mellon had done a deal with Roosevelt , offering to build a gallery and give his collection to the nation if the administration would stop hounding him . ]
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