Example sentences of "a [noun] [Wh det] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Some of the early cases seem to turn upon a consideration of whether or not a payment which it is sought to recover was made voluntarily or not .
2 Offering small quantities would also give greater variety to people 's diets , a variety which they may be unable to obtain if they can only buy in quantity .
3 But he also had a genuine vocation for healing — a vocation which he was unable to satisfy because his poor background prevented his going to medical college . ’
4 Dr Dering declined this contemptible compensation , and risked crippling legal costs on a trial which he hoped would win him heavy damages .
5 Nowhere do the Government admit that they have produced a recession which they regret , or that they have magnified the extent of that recession by past policies .
6 An enormous progress will have occurred over the course of these exercises — a progress which you should be aware of , feel and thoroughly take in .
7 Oh he used to wash them and he had a proper , he had a case what he made up with a rack so as he could drop them all in .
8 I have considered whether this is a case which I should remit for hearing before the justices .
9 I think that whether as er Mr submits and is a guideline case and to be adapted to changing conditions or whether it is a case which lays down a bounding rate , that it is a case which I should follow and that the reasoning leading to the adoption of two percent as the appropriate percentage to be applied still applies today , thus the calculation is one hundred and thirty five thousand pounds times two percent , is two thousand , seven hundred pounds times seventeen , is forty five thousand , nine hundred pounds , to this there is to be added a cost of conversion , thirty two thousand , four hundred and seventy two pounds less the enhancement in value thereby created of twelve thousand , five hundred pounds that is a figure of nineteen thousand , nine hundred and seventy two .
10 But I think you 've got a case which I I would say is fifty fifty .
11 my Lord there 's a case which I want to bring your Lordships attention to in relate in relation to article five and this is the my Lord there is a further case that I want to bring to your Lordships attention
12 By devastating his fields , orchards and vineyards you hoped to force him to listen to a case which he was otherwise disposed to ignore ; by military means he was to be compelled to come to terms .
13 For example , mandamus would lie to compel a tribunal to hear a case which it had mistakenly decided was not within its jurisdiction .
14 The message added : ‘ The district council has taken legal advice from senior counsel who have confirmed that the district council did have a case which it could competently pursue against the local paper .
15 And that inside the locker was a case , the case your wife took with her to London today ; a case which she told me — told me and Sergeant Lewis — contained some curtains .
16 Cos we thought it was a bit what they had pre-wrapped ?
17 So that 's that 's a bit what it 's about .
18 I think for a bit what I should do .
19 The Women 's Tennis Association have announced that fines for playing in an exhibition without approval in the same week as a major event have been sharply increased to a level which it is hoped will help to prevent it happening again .
20 A centre will not have to take on devolved responsibility at a level which it is unwilling to accept — and SCOTVEC will not offer devolved responsibility to a centre whose internal quality systems are not ready for that responsibility .
21 On the other hand , there were people like Spaak and the Italian premier , Alcide de Gasperi , who were prepared to accept things for what they were , to see the Council of Europe as a first step in the right direction , not an end — and a direction which they believed to be merely inevitable .
22 That is a direction which I think archaeology is moving in .
23 I do n't give a shit what you think about the NME , it 's what you think about the BNP that matters .
24 ‘ I 'm 21 years old , here I am going all over the world , and people actually give a shit what I think about things .
25 The body felt , to the probe of a stick which they thrust into a chinke , like boyld Brawne .
26 Dr Vincent and Dr Jones delivered the message to Downing Street after Mrs Thatcher refused to see a delegation from the church , a decision which they described as an ‘ affront ’ .
27 Yesterday , however , villagers were celebrating a decision which they hoped would mark the end of another local controversy which has been running for almost eight years .
28 Later , in June 1989 , it was reported that she was proposing to the Lord Chancellor that the Children Bill should reverse a decision which she and other members of the Court of Appeal had felt obliged to make excluding hearsay evidence .
29 If a judge , applying the correct test , comes to a decision which he is entitled to reach on the evidence before him , an appellate court will not interfere with that decision .
30 Judge Wroath had applied the right test and come to a decision which he was entitled to come to on the evidence before him .
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