Example sentences of "a [noun] [to-vb] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I 've mapped out a route to take you round , but are you sure you do n't want me do the actual deliveries ?
2 ‘ The original sleeping beauty , ’ said John , ‘ only she did n't have a prince to wake her . ’
3 The only good and powerful females I can think of are fairies ( ie , not real people ) and for every fairy godmother there are 10 wimpy heroines waiting for a prince to rescue them .
4 Perhaps this was merely a ruse to trick them into a crossing at Forteviot .
5 In any event , the constitutional proposal to replace the existing prohibition on divorce by a provision to allow it was rejected .
6 A repurchase agreement provides a means for the short to lend money to the futures market : the short agrees to buy a bond with a provision to sell it back to the market at a predetermined price and to receive a rate of interest , the repo rate .
7 Cos I , I , know , I know it means roughly in common terms cos , I got a sister to interpret it .
8 ‘ That guy 's going to need a submarine to scrape him off the bottom . ’
9 And you 've got ta have a bucket to mix it in .
10 The students were encouraged by highly respectable people like Mrs Mang Sudewo , wife of a Brigadier-General , who ran a kitchen to feed them .
11 ‘ Well , I 've decided to stay on a bit to settle him . ’
12 Right , now you 've got a bit to match it with .
13 In the cell he shouted a bit to bring them back , but only got shouted at in his turn by two drunken fellow inmates .
14 ‘ It took virtually the whole of my grandmother 's legacy to buy out the lease — all I 've got left is a bit to keep me going until I start to show a profit .
15 I hung it on a branch to keep it from getting damp .
16 Why ca n't we have a referendum to stop them doing so again ? —
17 ‘ It would simply be a formality to renew it on a long-term basis . ’
18 Another course open to the High Court when it quashes the decision of a governmental body is to remit the matter to the agency with a direction to reconsider it in accordance with the findings of the High Court .
19 Both discussed Kohlberg 's moral dilemma of a man who can not afford the expensive medicine which may save his fatally ill wife , and who must decide whether to burgle a pharmacy to get it .
20 But the major problem with the curriculum has not so much been lack of vision or aims , as a failure to translate aims in a clear and logical way into a curriculum to achieve them .
21 A MOTORIST , who needed a stick to help him walk , left his car parked in a dangerous position at Alton High Street .
22 ‘ The whole thing has got to a ludicrous stage when that is used as a stick to beat me . ’
23 ‘ Daddy was always trying to use the money as a stick to beat me into changing my way of life .
24 It was just a stick to beat me with , was n't it ? ’
25 A stick to beat us with ?
26 The historical interest of the collection and , indeed , of the palazzo itself has led to a decision to open it as a museum .
27 Just days after overturning a decision to deselect him , the Labour stalwart has now been rejected by his colleagues at the party 's county level .
28 When a telephone is installed , it is possible to have a very long flex put on for very little extra cost , and it can then be carried to any room , but you should consider the advantages and disadvantages of this carefully before coming to a decision to have it done , as it has been known to be the cause of accidents to some old people .
29 He seemed to be coming to a decision to tell her something , and she waited with her heart thudding in her chest .
30 A CLEVELAND fireman is appealing against a decision to transfer him from Thornaby fire station to his home town of Billingham .
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