Example sentences of "a [adj] [noun] time " in BNC.

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1 It 's a dry summer time .
2 This was done electively in 10 of the 11 patients because of a prolonged procedure time caused by excessive stone burden or difficult stone extraction .
3 Certain cardiac substrates — eg , left ventricular hypertrophy — may be associated with a prolonged repolarisation time and a predisposition to acquired LQTS .
4 The reaction product was visualised using a substrate solution containing 0.05% 3,3-diaminobenzidinetetrahydrochloride ( DAB ) ( Serva , Heidelberg , Germany ) , 0.01% hydrogen peroxide , 0.01% nickel chloride , and 0.01% cobalt chloride in TRIS buffered saline ( pH 7.6 ) with a usual reaction time of 10 minutes under microscopic examination .
5 in 1989 , gives a total interaction time of a large fraction of a second , allowing the possibility of a linewidth some two orders of magnitude smaller than in the conventional arrangement .
6 In our study group of 18 patients who had endoscopically confirmed reflux oesophagitis , we found a total reflux time ranging from 3.2% to 32.6% in the absence of treatment ( Fig 1 ) .
7 I.e. a total staff time of 370 hrs = c. 52 days per year .
8 RA4 papers have a total process time of 3 minutes at 38 degrees C. A range of processing times an temperatures for film and paper are listed in the instruction book .
9 RA4 papers have a total process time of 3 minutes at 38 degrees C. A range of processing times and temperatures for film and paper are listed in the instruction book .
10 During April and May the pilot arranged for several lessons with a microlight instructor using the instructor 's own aircraft ; completed in a total flight time of four hours , these flights covered mainly upper air handling with little practice in takeoffs and landings .
11 Thus a normal training time in the new time zone might coincide with night on home time and so lead to a physically poorer and psychologically dispiriting performance .
12 Three new models of Peugeot cordless drills all include a removable power pack with a three-hour charge time .
13 I 'll be talking in a few moments time about aviation travel and the risks and , indeed , the trends that are being reflected at the present time , but erm before we move to that let's just think about those of us who perhaps have decided we wo n't go abroad .
14 Okay , we 'll come back and pick up with you again , if we may , in a few moments time , but I wanted to change tack once more and go back to the telephones , and waiting to talk to us now is Alan Spong , he 's a director of Lunn Poly , one of the country 's leading travel agents .
15 And that 's Nick Harris talking to Ken Vasey up at the Manor ground and we hope to return to the Manor in a few moments time and see who else Nick has got to talk to us .
16 And the first deadline for applications for B T three shares expires in a few hours time .
17 In a few hours time in Toronto Lynn Gibson will be racing for Britain in the 800 metres …
18 The report warned : " Unless there is reduction of population growth together with a resolution of the landless peasant phenomenon , it is difficult to see that much forest will remain in just a few decades time " .
19 Let us suppose the Smith family have planned a picnic in the country in a few days time .
20 Did one yesterday for a man who was due to be executed today , erm , I do n't know whether he was or not , but he probably in a few days time .
21 Think the closing dates a few days time is n't it ?
22 Then they 'll now go into a maths lesson let's go into this , they 're gon na perhaps do that eight times , then they 're gon na get a breather , then a few days time after that the form teacher 's saying right , let's do it again and summarise it , I think it 's too much !
23 So , gentlemen , what I 'm really doing is to show you a bit of the background and the fact that it 's not all doom and gloom there is a hell of a light at the tunnel and in matter of fact , we got another lecture on the channel tunnel in a few days time !
24 In a few days time that extra edge of fitness could keep them alive
25 In a few days time the nation will again pay lip service to the thousands killed in action during the Second World War , while preparing to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Battle of the Atlantic with a spectacular visit from a NATO fleet in May .
26 look Grant , in a few days time
27 wait a bit , and they said so , they looked at it and said we 'd have to take it back in a few days time for them to do , they could n't do it there and then .
28 In a few days time we 'll be sitting him on top of a bonfire and standing around in the cold night while we light up the sky with loads of colour .
29 In a few years time the two German states could be virtually a single economic area .
30 It is most unlikely that a mother or father looking at a new-born child will be saying : — ‘ We have here a potential villain , who could , in a few years time be getting a living by robbery , violence or some other criminal activity .
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