Example sentences of "and [adv] that their " in BNC.

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1 The curriculum should help learners acquire and develop ( i ) knowledge and conceptual understanding , ( ii ) skills , ( iii ) personal qualities and attitudes , so that they will be able ( iv ) to take advantage of opportunities and cope with challenges in the various circumstances of their present and future lives — to enable and encourage them to contribute responsibly and constructively to society ( in its various facets ) and so that their personal lives may be enriched .
2 For example , we now brief recruits on their rights and tell them and encourage them to actually come forward with their complaints , we very carefully brief and select our N C Os , we have open days for parents , we bring parents in so that they can feel part of the set up right from the start and so that their sons join the army and they tell their other friends to make sure they do to .
3 Since people 's self-assessments tend to reflect the way they wish they spoke , Trudgill took it that women wished to identify themselves with a higher social class , and thus that their status aspirations were higher than men 's ( with male informants he found the opposite tendency , which will be discussed later on ) .
4 All these things are related to the Izzat of the girl — saving her Izzat ( and through that their own Izzat ) is perhaps the greatest responsibility of her parents or guardian .
5 And the market researchers tell the companies more and more that their customers want something more tailored to their special requirements .
6 Wigan , going for their 20th successive victory at St Helens tomorrow , have the opposite problem , playing so well individually and collectively that their coach , John Monie , has not enough places , especially with Martin Dermott and Steve Hampson fit again , to satisfy demand .
7 The company denied Greenpeace 's claim that the chemicals were carcinogenic ( cancer-causing ) and also that their misuse had resulted in the contamination of food supplies in importing countries .
8 But beyond this most people assume that there will be some actual teaching of such things , and particularly that their children will receive sex education and , by statute , religious instruction .
9 Er , first of all , I ensure that people are not de-counted unless they have er , wished to go and maybe that their their dwellings are er , in er a state of er , disrepair or there 's something structurally wrong that they feel unsafe er , in them and then er , they are , I do n't like the word de-counted , but then they er , are offered er other accommodation .
10 As a result both agencies have to continue claiming that Russia is facing terrible threats from the West and therefore that their existence is essential despite the fact that Gorbachev is busily telling the Russian people that co-existence is not only possible but desirable as are many aspects of capitalist society .
11 Burdened by the fear that some ‘ performance ’ , of which they feel incapable , is expected , and therefore that their ‘ manliness ’ is threatened , they may get so miserable and anxious that they realise their worst fears , by becoming unable to have an erection and then hiding behind the idea that ‘ I 'm an old man now , so what can I expect ? ’
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