Example sentences of "and [adv] [indef pn] [be] " in BNC.

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1 The light clicked on and suddenly everything was white and horribly bright .
2 And so something was always cold .
3 Er about this strike and er but time went on and it became obvious that er nobody were going to win only the boss like this boss , course he was he was scratching through , and so they called the strike off and every person who worked at er every firm had a meeting and they all decided to take so many and every firm took so many of the workers and so nobody was ever unemployed as a consequence of the strike which was very very good .
4 Authors should never be held responsible for their publishers ' blurbs , and so one is spared the embarrassment of assessing the claim that Hugh Trevor-Roper is ‘ Britain 's greatest living historian ’ .
5 ( Care must be taken in interpreting these probit equations : note that positive because the higher the price the more likely it is that all will be sold ; is positive because as the horizon approaches one gets less fussy , and so one is more likely to sell at a lower price ; the other signs follow from similar arguments . )
6 The cost and the pay-off of a text are somehow mutually constraining , and so one is dependent on the other .
7 ‘ They had n't tested the French market at all before opening and so everything was just delivered from Wales , hung up and not thought about .
8 It is necessary the body should move that way whither the greater force carries it which is the consent of the majority or else it is impossible it should act or continue one body , one community which the consent of every individual that united into it agreed that it should and so everyone is bound by that consent to be concluded by the majority .
9 The boss said we could n't go outside because employment inspectors would catch us , and so everyone was fed and slept in the factory .
10 And so everyone was happy , ’ said Julia , smiling again and not giving voice to her suspicion that perhaps the young homesick Italian might have been happier if her besotted husband had managed to forget his dislike of foreigners and their countries .
11 I have seen 13 Premier League games this season and only one was officiated with any degree of competence .
12 She says ; A defenceless and vulnerable man has been decimated by people who do n't know what they are doing and apparently nobody is doing anything to stop them .
13 And obviously anybody 's who 's trained a domestic animal
14 There were almost no ( cool ) parties , and generally everybody was feeling down .
15 As Jesus says of him : ‘ I have watched over them and not one is lost except the one who chose to be lost , and this was to fulfil the scriptures . ’
16 I 'm taking numbers off of caravans where they 're letting and I 've been round and spoken to people who are in them caravans , and not one is happy !
17 Full of enthusiasm , therefore , and anxious to try this product , I toured Gateway and other supermarkets but the product was too kwick for me and not one was to be found .
18 So it 's not not not all of it is terminal , and not everybody 's gon na die with it .
19 I mean , sight reading is another thing and not everyone is good at that , but it helps if you are .
20 If you 're convinced that an acoustic amp is the way to go — and not everyone is convinced , by the way — then you 'd have to compare the Lakewood against the £799 Trace Acoustic TA-100R and perhaps the even more affordable , if more basic , Carlsbro Sherwood .
21 Unfortunately these are in great demand and not everyone is able to take advantage of them .
22 And not everyone is hired into a ‘ job for life ’ ( or ‘ as long as he wishes ’ ) .
23 And keep it so it 's just ticking over , so that on average you 're absorbing two of these neutrons , say and just one is going on to st start another one , and you just you know ju It 's very fine control on the fuel rods .
24 I showed them how to build my mast , and soon everything was ready for me to start work on the woman monster .
25 Confused marchers mingled with bewildered shoppers , excited but ill-informed spectators tried to sort things out and soon everything was in total chaos .
26 They 're then passed on to food or eating utensils and soon everyone 's infested .
27 Someone started singing ‘ God Save the King ’ and soon everybody was joining in , thousands of strong hearts and lungs , shipyard workers , foundry men , train drivers , some still on strike , were swept away by the tide of emotion .
28 Excited Brownies grabbed the balls and soon everybody was bouncing !
29 Until recently , infertility was regarded as a problem for women , and hardly anything was known about reproductive problems in men .
30 Next morning , the countryside was heavy and sullen like a house where a dreadful quarrel has taken place and still nothing is resolved .
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