Example sentences of "and [adv] [vb base] for " in BNC.

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1 We are also seeing the idea that you can mix geriatric , psychogeriatric and young chronic sick people in the one unit and successfully cater for the needs of all 3 groups .
2 With no more resources than Charles Surface , he entertained London society with great panache and little regard for mounting debts .
3 Thus , despite widespread support for a National Government , there was little idea of how such a government might be brought about ; and little support for it among those who really mattered .
4 One top dealer used to take the odd afternoon off , and secretly work for another licensed dealer nearby , taking his commission payments there cash in hand .
5 Resentful at Alexander and fearful that the King might beget am heir by his new queen and so lose for a second time the opportunity to advance the claims of his own house ?
6 The TSB 's new Family Bonus plan allows up to eight in a family to pool their nest eggs and so qualify for higher rates of interest .
7 On the one hand , the sampling process had to generate as many categories of user as possible and so account for the variations found in the known sample relating to age , sex , class , township , and so on .
8 Cato had an instinctive interest and perhaps respect for the conquered populations of Italy and the provinces .
9 The B film was a Western starring Randolph Scott , and when that was over he would watch Jane Russell again , and somewhere in between he would eat his boiled egg and perhaps sleep for a while .
10 So when you holiday in Britain you can wish for good weather and only hope for the best .
11 You only use what you need , and only pay for what you use .
12 A biochemist colleague has kindly provided me with a bottle of hydrogen peroxide , and enough hydroquinone for 50 bombardier beetles .
13 Lord , your will is that the world 's resources should be shared by all men ; we pray against greed and selfishness in the use of resources , and especially pray for your guiding hand on relief efforts along the Iraqi-Jordanian border .
14 Lord , your will is that the world 's resources should be shared by all men ; we pray against greed and selfishness in the use of resources , and especially pray for your guiding hand on relief efforts in the famine areas of Africa .
15 The incident provided excitement and argument for some weeks in Huaiwiri , and much work for Salah Muhammad , even though the girls of the first cohort were nearing the end of their course .
16 The independent sector provides some models and much experience for any new initiatives at grassroots level .
17 Add the tomatoes , tomato purée and wine , season and gently cook for 5 minutes .
18 Because not enough information is given to buyers on the sheer expense and time needed to feed , train , groom and generally care for a dog .
19 We are quite keen to look at equity options , debt equity swaps er perhaps talk a to the government about an extension of the business expansion scheme , specifically into manufacturing industry er and generally look for innovative solutions , persuade to customers to take loans out instead of overdrafts .
20 Sometimes Finch would leave Yolande in the morning for the studio and not return for several days .
21 She must have some complaint , Alida decided , to stay in this house two and a half , three hours , and not ask for the bathroom , it is unnatural .
22 They could n't take your man and your job and your home and not answer for it !
23 If not , let us put our own house in order and not wait for others to do it for us .
24 Ironically , Mr Yeltsin 's studious absence from public view for the past few days forced the two parties to seek a solution and not wait for him to intervene .
25 Willing to take responsibility for the church to grow , and not wait for it to happen .
26 And the point is that wherever you go you tend to keep your eye open and not wait for something to crop up ; you do tend to say ‘ 'Ello , ‘ ello , ‘ ello , What 's this ?
27 It is a good idea to turn the main stopcock off and on once or twice each year to keep its mechanism free and not wait for an emergency to discover that it has jammed open .
28 Do n't expect everything to be crystal clear , or cut and dried for Monday 's one of those times when you have to take the lead and not wait for folk to spell things out in words of one syllable .
29 There was also still a feeling in the Hollywood colony that as he had established himself as a star he should not play an unattractive character , and , what is more , he would only be the second lead and not appear for the first twenty minutes .
30 Such memory differences appear instead to be limited to the single arousing item and not appear for the immediately following ones although general physiological arousal would be expected to still be present .
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