Example sentences of "and [adv] [vb base] all " in BNC.

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1 It says officers did not ’ pursue and properly explore all avenues of inquiry ’
2 Proposals from the US and Canada to remove North American populations of lynx , wolf and bobcat from Appendix II , and thereby remove all controls on international trade in these animals , could prove even more controversial .
3 Bearing in mind too that as a non-taxpayer you can open an account in just your name and so enable all the interest to be declared gross .
4 SIR — And so say all of us to W. F. Deedes 's timely remarks ( Commentary , April 13 ) about the sorry state of spoken English .
5 The envelope contained a ‘ Big Mouth Strikes Again ’ label with the words AND SO SAY ALL OF US scrawled strangely on the other side .
6 How can you grow up here and not know all this ? ’
7 A defendant who relies on this ground would be wise to file an affidavit in answer to the plaintiff 's affidavit and not leave all the argument to the application itself .
8 The Louvre too , though not cheap , has so much in it that you could spend days there and not see all of it .
9 ‘ You must get on with your life , and think about work , and not waste all your time in regrets . ’
10 I was lucky to be able to go to school in Parma and not spend all my life in Fontanellato , which was the fate of many ; and on the whole my schooldays were enjoyable .
11 The EFAH accreditation system aims to provide such information and thus assist all those wishing to emply and seek employment in the various European countries .
12 I would hope to blow all boundaries and just show all the best work in all these fields .
13 You 're pretending that you 're speaking to somebody and just speak all the time .
14 ‘ Some people expect a movie to be more than entertaining if they go and just laugh all the way through , they think there 's something wrong .
15 There is obviously a complicated relationship between what is printed in the newspapers and what people come to believe , and we would not wish to suggest that people passively and uncritically absorb all that they read there .
16 Thus , they argue , why not short-circuit the development of ambient air quality standards , air monitoring , diffusion modelling , etc. and simply require all emitters to go directly to a ‘ good practice ’ emission standard ?
17 They will integrate with the Transaction System and immediately replace all Sun Cobol products .
18 They will integrate with the Transaction System and immediately replace all Sun Cobol products .
19 I hope they do n't start nesting and then get all there .
20 ‘ Take that hen out of here , and then wash all those towels .
21 Apprentices do not wake up in strange beds the night before an important ride and then tell all to the boss 's wife .
22 The secret of successful research is to identify clearly the " profit " goal you are trying to achieve and then research all the options for achieving that goal as well as all the factors affecting its achievement .
23 Instead of having the machine score the various positions that could be reached after one play , it could generate and then evaluate all the positions possible after a play and a reply , or a play , a reply and a counter-reply .
24 Sandwich all the different parts of the large and small whales together with buttercream , and then spread all the remaining buttercream over the entire surfaces of the whales .
25 If A11 = 0 we can bring any non-zero element to the A11 position by the use of I we can then reduce this element to unity by the use of I(l) , and then reduce all the remaining elements of the first row and the first column to zero using I(k) .
26 Whatever interest he took up , he would begin by a painstaking study of the language and then buy all the correct equipment , before he actually did anything practical .
27 That 's what I mean , you got ta and then do it , clear it , and then clear all that
28 We had to roast all them and then grind all our own coffee .
29 This would be followed by a massive Sunday lunch , and then sleep all afternoon .
30 You pay just once and then play all day !
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