Example sentences of "and [adv] [vb pp] [det] " in BNC.

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1 Harold P. Ford , a long-serving and widely respected former CIA analyst , portrayed Gates as a self-serving careerist who curried favour with his superiors and did not manifest the necessary independence of judgment .
2 So we are faced with the amazing fact that neither the insistence on English superiority nor a savage level of English military aggression was enough to produce widespread , let alone total , resistance by a people who for well over two centuries had determinedly and successfully resisted both .
3 Appointed in 1987 , Webster ensured that the CIA kept a relatively low profile and thereby achieved some success in rehabilitating the tarnished image of the agency in the aftermath of the Iran-contra scandal .
4 The ford was crossed by a mill dam and consequently was extremely difficult and dangerous and thereby occasioned several unlucky accidents .
5 He spat and slowly raised both hands .
6 A century later a royal charter of July 1412 gave the municipal authorities of Reims the sole right to appoint courtiers and expressly mentioned that Champagne wines formed the city 's prime source of trade .
7 ‘ He seemed quiet and rather withdrawn that morning , but he very often was so I did n't take too much notice .
8 East of the Fosse in Townsend Close , the buildings apparently also went out of use , with their associated plots given over to burials , which again followed the earlier layouts and rarely contained any grave goods ; observation of roadworks between Townsend Close and Heave Acre revealed yet more similar burials .
9 Sabine , coaxed into taking a sip from Rohan 's glass , felt as if the top of her head had exploded , and laughingly refused any more .
10 Furthermore , the reading I did for the lectures I was called to give as a ‘ drugs expert ’ generated queries about such ambiguous areas as victimless crimes and interference in private acts , and altogether raised more questions than were solved .
11 The wire had cut so deeply , it had ripped off one of its legs and badly damaged another .
12 Williams said that he glanced away and suddenly heard several single shots .
13 More difficult to determine is the extent to which aid has freed resources for consumption , and so done little to increase investment levels in the manner envisaged by Rostow or Chenery .
14 We polluted Earth and so killed all the animals .
15 It could reach both upwards and downwards to pluck vegetation from all directions on a vast scale , and so lost little time ( or energy ) moving about .
16 He travelled a lot in India at that time , talking to troops and meeting leaders , and so met many interesting people .
17 Or , to take it further , had he begun to have hopes for the remainder of the night , and so taken this means to get rid of the other man ?
18 The chorographer ( though not Reyce ) points out : ‘ That p't of the countrye that is nere unto the sea is nothing so fruiffull neyther so comodious for cattell as the other but more fitte for sheepe and come , ’ and so contained many more 20s. men — upwards of 43 per cent in Blything hundred , and more than twice as many as in townships situated wholly on the clay .
19 Whilst knitting I noticed how attractive the back of the work looked and so recreated this impression on the right side simply by using the negative image facility .
20 I hope that Opposition Members will use their influence with Labour-controlled councils to improve their performance and so put many more such properties back into use .
21 They agreed with the Inland Revenue that the return of the fund on death fell within the definition of reasonable interest which the legislation required and so introduced this new concept .
22 Therapeutic trials were undertaken to investigate as many of these factors as was feasible , and necessarily involved many patients and many doctors , nurses , secretaries , and controllers .
23 But she thought these occasions were important to him and perhaps constituted another reason why he wanted to marry her .
24 If we had n't , we 'd have tossed you back and perhaps saved some other unfortunate ! ’
25 Men and women of great authority had walked in it , and perhaps left some ghost of themselves to calm him in extremis .
26 My guess is though , that if , if the age difference had been something like erm , seven or eight years , by the time your mother was asking you to give up sweets for your very much younger brother , you would probably have matured sufficiently and perhaps identified enough with your mother to see yourself playing a more kind of maternal role , as , you know the grown up sister .
27 Until a couple of days before the price was announced Warburg was working towards a Fr70 price , and only pushed this up to Fr72 ( 707p ) when it saw how strong demand was .
28 Very very very briefly Chairman , erm first of all you can see in paragraph two point three and you see the matter that 's being erm the subject of discussion previously erm there was n't to be an issues report as such , but er Stragg itself the advisory group did feel that it would be useful that er er a leaflet be prepared and distributed erm you I do n't think Chairman would have seen it , but hot off the presses is being erm with us this morning er an an and only delivered this morning are some copies of th the leaflet that we have now erm prepared er you will have seen that in draft form Chairman and members of Strang will have seen that draft form so er both Stragg members and other members of the Committee if they would like to take a copy away with them , that there are a number here , but they will be er given wide distribution later on .
29 It was never received , and only returned some considerable time after the children went home .
30 He said Hall again approved the designs and only suggested some slight alterations to the elevations , whereas Hall later said that he found them ‘ objectionable and would never be accepted ’ .
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