Example sentences of "and [adv] [vb past] from " in BNC.

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1 He led the Open at Muirfield by four shots and eventually came from two down with four holes to play to beat John Cook .
2 He became ill , and eventually died from ‘ a twisted bowel ’ , which frequently is another way of saying that a horse died from psychological stress .
3 He was quite a disciplinarian and rarely deviated from what had been the conventional 3Rs school of teaching .
4 These are now privately owned and only emerged from obscurity again a few years ago : sphinxes and winged sirens , the heads of minotaurs and owls , personifications of night and masks with invisible eyes .
5 He refused to rule out the military option , while Gorbachev stressed the need for a " political solution " and pointedly refrained from expressing support for a military move against Iraq .
6 Lisabeth and Fenella were being moved out of the way and generally harried from pillar to post .
7 In 1952 Hall became a reporter on the Sunday Mirror , and soon moved from there to the Daily Sketch as woman 's editor .
8 The numbers of people aged 65 and over grew from 1.7 million to 8.8 million between 1901 and 1991 , increasing as a proportion of the total population from 4.7% to 15.8% .
9 ‘ Her dreadful friends started to take advantage of her , persuading her to spend her savings on them , and finally stole from one of her flatmates .
10 Wee Charlie shrieked a last time , and promptly vanished from view .
11 Gastric pits become progressively deeper and more convoluted from the proximal cardia to the distal pyloric region .
12 She took the infant from Terry and quickly walked from the bedroom making , not cooing noises , but a ‘ kind of shrill moan ’ .
13 So I did , and I managed to rise a little way , but my wing hurt and the sea wind tugged at it and below me there suddenly flew some hooded crows and I was afraid and panicked , and nearly fell from the sky .
14 The firm 's pattern of growth , as in the case of Heidrick and Struggles , was very dependent on individual personalities , and also suffered from the fact that the most successful headhunters are usually the worst managers .
15 Jordan , Egypt and Turkey had earned substantial revenues from workers ' remittances and trade with Iraq and Kuwait ; some middle-income countries such as India relied heavily on oil imports from Iraq and also benefited from sizeable remittance flows ; and for some low-income countries , including Pakistan , Sri Lanka , Bangladesh and the Philippines , the loss of remittances and the rising cost of oil imports were expected to slow growth rates to an average of around 1.5 per cent by 1991 and add some $3,000 million to annual Third-World debt interest payments .
16 But Marx , in an equally tough voice , merely said , ‘ O.K. Let's do just that , ’ put his hand in his breast pocket , slowly pulled out a horribly official-looking envelope , and slowly and carefully took from that an even more horribly official-looking form , folded once , in what to Herr Nordern seemed an indescribably sinister manner from top to bottom instead of side to side .
17 To bulk up the reference list by including citations to work never read , and often cribbed from other researcher 's Reference Lists .
18 He did not mention Labour and even refrained from a sneer at the opinion pollsters .
19 In the Petitioners case the Court did not limit the General Assembly to the role actually performed by the League Council , and implicitly retreated from its earlier reasoning based on status .
20 Alexandra climbed carefully up the first side and then leaped from the top on to the grass below .
21 She found her own register in its usual place and then took from the ‘ Tuesday ’ pigeonhole the one marked ‘ Line Drawing and Water-colour ’ .
22 She gave a tiny smile , brave but near tears , and then vanished from the screen .
23 I tried running but gave up after two paces , and then went from meditation to mental arithmetic , calculating the length of each step by counting them for each revolution of the wheel .
24 A FAMILY 'S jinxed trip to Disneyworld started in disaster , turned to horror … and then went from bad to worse .
25 And then sailed from Montreal , I was going to go back my , it was my intention to go back to New York , but I changed my mind at Montreal and sailed down the St Lawrence from Montreal , back to Glasgow .
26 Cleo glanced up at him and then rose from the bed .
27 His close rival , the Maharaja of Rewa , reached a total of 500 and then withdrew from the contest .
28 He belched , scratched his stomach , and then stumbled from the room .
29 In the violent argument which followed , Coleridge was prevented from running at his brother with a knife by the return of their mother , and then fled from the house , still in an ‘ agony of passion ’ , stopping only when he reached a hill overlooking the River Otter a mile from the town .
30 And on this Peggy turned and almost flew from the room .
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