Example sentences of "and [adv] [adj] be " in BNC.

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1 It is , however , a matter of judgement as to how explicitly and vigorously this is presented .
2 And mostly those were er married men who had a small place of their own which was n't quite big enough to keep them full time .
3 and eventually that 's what streamlined the English company 's
4 So the usual thing eventually after five months waiting for payment is to find out the bloody solicitor that told them this you see and inform the the solicitors that er his client has not yet paid us and we it ought to be done and eventually that 's how we get the money .
5 Then if we hold this rope in the other hand and effectively that 's our accelerator .
6 I 'm not saying it 's one that the tribunal should have accepted , but , but , but what I 'm saying is th there is an element of psychological truth in that , because if Freud 's theories if er bond Freud theory group behaviour is correct , then that does seem to happen some extent that the leader as it were takes and presumably this is why some people erm presumably er feel better in groups , perhaps that they get something out of a group that their own ego can not provide , but other people are uncomfortable in groups because they feel that their ego is being alienated and they 're losing some of their some of their power .
7 It 's , it 's a very simple organism , but basically what it 's there for is to ensure the future of T four genes , and this is what i it 's doing , and presumably natural selection has er selected it in such a way that it is an optimum design as far as , as far as doing this er is concerned , because it would be in competition with mutant T fours who did it in different ways , and presumably this is the kind of T four that seems to succeed .
8 Her father , having been an Oxford don , doubtless had a library of some kind , and presumably this was not dispersed after his death .
9 One of the clearest and most influential was formulated by the linguist Roman Jakobson ( 1960 ) , and further developed by Dell Hymes ( 1962 ) .
10 And most striking was their simplicity and lack of greed .
11 The first and most accessible was that used by tourists , rich and shoestring ( ‘ poor ’ was a word with a precise , living meaning here ) as a base for their trip to Machu Picchu .
12 Of their long list of successes the most recent and most famous was the arrest , conviction and execution of two thugs , Browne and Kennedy , who had heartlessly blasted to death an Essex police constable named Gutteridge .
13 It becomes graded so that the smallest and smoothest particles are at the bottom and the largest and most angular are at the top .
14 the first and most complicated is Methode Champenoise — this is used to make champagne and most other good sparkling wines .
15 One of the simplest and most reliable is Alizarin red S. Many carbonate workers routinely acid etch one-half of a thin section and stain it in acidified Alizarin red S solution before covering .
16 Fearful anticipation had proved somewhat worse than the event , and most Viennese were coming round to the opinion that , whatever the failings of Napoleon 's men , they were at least an improvement upon the Hapsburgs ' Russian allies , whom everyone loathed .
17 The largest and most northerly is Iceland which , although its name might suggest an Arctic situation , actually lies south of the Arctic Circle .
18 In general , what people find most stimulating and most attractive is a bit different but not too different from what they know already .
19 Wool is the only thing for the comfort of warmth , and most desirable is cloth which contains cashmere .
20 And worst and most horrible is the first morning .
21 Most recent and most welcome is the availability of many boots , particularly fabric models , in both men 's and women 's fittings .
22 First and most important is Sanders Island , to the east of Koraloona , ’ he explained , pointing .
23 Seventh , and most important is central and local government — the single largest single fee-earner for the subsidiary .
24 One of the commonest and most important is a contract for the buyer of a property , protected by a Notice ( the equivalent , in unregistered conveyancing , of the registration on the Central Land Charges Register of an Estate Contract ) .
25 The first and most important are authentic nomadic items which employ their own tribal guls .
26 I think there are various strategies that you can adopt with children , I think the first and most obvious is work through the educational system , through schools and there 's been many excellent school 's programmes developed !
27 The first and most obvious is that they still wo n't allow you to do decent halftoning — you need a minimum of 800 by 800 to achieve anything like quality results in terms of both grey levels and screen values .
28 The first and most obvious is the way in which they work .
29 The first and most obvious was the tactic of withdrawal into what little self I still possessed .
30 But I flatter myself that I can meet this danger more calmly and securely than most philologists ; my philosophical seriousness is already too deeply rooted , the true and essential problems of life and thought have been too clearly shown to me by the great mystagogue Schopenhauer … " ( 1869 ) ; " I love the Greeks more and more … [ but ] … the philologist 's existence … seems to me more and more anomalous " ( 1870 ) ; " For me , everything that is best and most beautiful is associated with the names Schopenhauer and Wagner , and I am proud and happy to share this feeling with my closest friends " ( 1870 again ) ; and from the close of the same year , " Let us drag on in this university existence for a few more years ; let us take it as a sorrowful lesson … I realize what Schopenhauer 's doctrine of university wisdom is all about …
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