Example sentences of "and [pron] should never " in BNC.

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1 I felt as if a huge gap had appeared in my existence , because one who had always been there was there no longer , and I should never see him again .
2 ‘ It was pure sex , and I should never have been so damn crazy !
3 U/V light is potentially damaging to the eyes , and you should never look directly at a lit-up tube .
4 And you should never do anything that you can not talk about after dinner . ’
5 ‘ Although you should n't need to hear it , and you should never have believed what you did in the first place …
6 And you should never do things just because you 're angry .
7 Right and you should never fight with objections , I think you realize that do n't you ?
8 I offered them all glasses as well , and Angelica took one and went on bellyaching to all around her about how Steve had let her down and she should never have trusted the louse , and it was a tribute to her acting that there was a distinct drawing aside of skirts in the pursed mouths of those around her who were fed up with hearing about it .
9 ‘ Doncaster is nearest , ’ said Michael , ‘ but the signals are thicker on that side and we should never get through . ’
10 It is , in its way , the flyer 's own symbolic wand of happiness , and we should never dismiss it as just another necessary component .
11 The dialectical method of reasoning he borrowed from Engel ; and we should never under-estimate its importance in being a fundamental break with the tradition of Western philosophy .
12 Seventeen million people died in this war and we should never forget .
13 But one lesson we have learnt is that patient determination is essential in all rescue operations and one should never be discouraged by temporary setbacks .
14 Good grass requires great care and understanding , as described above , and one should never forget the adage : ‘ To make a pasture breaks a man . ’
15 Story , narrative , is what best keeps a crime novel squarely in the entertainment field and one should never forget it .
16 Most wounds in A&E do not need antibiotics , however , and they should never be used as a substitute for meticulous wound toilet and repair .
17 Those two matters are , in our judgment , separate , and they should never have been mingled and confused as they were by the judge .
18 For those of them who do come to church , particular sensitivity and encouragement are needed and they should never be patronised .
19 Too much heat during ironing will damage fibres and they should never be damped down during ironing otherwise the fabric will be permanently spoilt with a watermark .
20 I should never have looked and he should never really have said just look at that , oh aye !
21 This is most important in an emergency , its position should be remembered and it should never be boarded up .
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