Example sentences of "and [pron] 's one " in BNC.

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1 And there 's one which perhaps gives Mr Larcher the most quiet pleasure , for another shopping centre in Hull .
2 Four hydrogen one nitrogen all their bonds got get together and there 's one the result is one positive bond left over .
3 There 's w one of those in Nottingham there 's one in Newark and there 's one in Mansfield .
4 But this premise was there at that time and by oh I had to go to a great extent on a number of visits and they er granted it me on compassionate grounds and there 's er I was only looking in the back of there the other day and there 's one there now .
5 Er one 's in the , works for himself , he 's brickie , and there 's one works in the glazer .
6 And there 's one that we 're picking up which , which Sylvia 's gon na go to a case conference next week , social services .
7 And there 's one here with a a group of people and I found that a stone wall makes an ideal thing to trick photography with .
8 Obviously we will be guided by our consultants but this er er view of is er er meeting with er er great success in the villages because obviously er we feel that if there is a public inquiry then we stand a better chance of British Coal sticking to the promises made when they had the original planning application and removing all waste by train to suitable sites and there 's one at Welbeck which is waiting for the material .
9 There 's a couple of handouts here which I 'm not gon na go into , but there again somebody might think about when you 're running group training and there 's some , there 's some I du n no er points with a few heading samples , so I 'm gon na take one and pass them on take one pass them on which I really no , no and there 's one over there So you 've got involving trainees we 've done humour we 've touched upon , brainstorming we 've done before .
10 erm , and er , sometimes even pleased to say well I 'll try to get you in purple , but er , nowadays erm , we , we do n't go in for that because there 's , there 's so many er shops now that selling lighting fittings erm and selling nothing else , there is n't one actually in Harlow , but there 's one in Epping and there 's one in Stortford , erm that er , it 's , it 's riding a new car people want to see er a good variety of them , have a look at a lot or a washing machine or anything like that , you want to see many before you buy one .
11 The first one at ten , every five years up to the age of sixty five , then annually , and there 's one at the end of the selected period .
12 stuff , erm , I 'll I 've got a disk that does interesting little joined up lines , and there 's one where you can just put numbers in yourself and it 'll draw all sorts of pictures for you
13 M M My Lords , erm on the second point my Noble Friend makes , that 's absolutely true and it really was again quite depressing to see that erm er a member in in in the and the other place Mr Don Foster on behalf of the Liberals , had actually written to every single Chief Education Officer er concerning anti er concerning campaigning against er the opting out policy , as to the other point my Noble Friend makes , it 's absolutely true that erm all the service that have been done and there 's one very recently reported , that the amount of value for money o obtained for every single grant maintained school outstrips the L E A maintained schools .
14 Then he said , ‘ I 've managed to get a sprinkling of young men , and there 's one in particular I 'd like you to meet . ’
15 There is a smoke alarm in the airing cupboard in case that overheats and there 's one
16 Yes yes and me and there 's one
17 No , there 's one in and there 's one across cafe in the gallery .
18 and there 's one it 's supposed to be erm a pretty good unit
19 Well there 's one there , there 's one there and there 's one round the back , so I looked in that one
20 I was gon na say if you ai n't permanently in employment , you 're a bit silly to take that especially if the er , present climber and there 's one there they offered me said it could be two weeks or it could be two years I do n't know , so I gambler or not , I mean it depends how well you 're you are as well .
21 and there 's one in there This is January savers and there 's another catalogue .
22 Erm , the carol festivals are on and there 's one at Thaxted , which might be quite nice , actually , erm it 's on the same page , the previous column And someone 's just taken a driving test at ninety one .
23 And there 's one er a week on Saturday , you know , let's go to both of those and I said erm I 'm away those weekends .
24 And it 's one , two , three , what are we fighting for ?
25 The answer , and it 's one which casts a disturbing light on British attitudes to aircraft manufacture , becomes obvious when you visit Socata 's Tarbes base .
26 and , and it 's one that I think is , it is a priority one for addressing , I think we should ask Trevor er and An and Andrew , t to draw up if you like details of the whole of the costs of the overheads within this organization .
27 But you 've raised a very valid point and it 's one that we need to see through to the end .
28 And it 's one in the morning , okay ?
29 And it 's one that needs sort of a bit of thinking about , and again tie it back to the everyday things that you know quite a lot about , electrical appliances , things like that .
30 This type of work , in which the children are playing at their roles , is frequently a necessary stage in the process of building commitment to the drama ; and it 's one which adults find as useful as children .
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