Example sentences of "and [pron] had see " in BNC.

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1 They crashed through their set as if they were in a competition to see who could get through the most songs in the shortest time , sounding like an unrehearsed version of the group Charlie and I had seen in the Nashville .
2 Joe and I had seen this happen many times before .
3 Well , and then I went on to Rome to look at a Goldoni production and I had to see the Pope , but I tell you — I hope you 're not Catholic — the sight of the old pullet being cheered up the aisle of St. Peter 's …
4 And nobody had seen her real face for years , for it was heavily rouged and powdered from the top of her eyebrows to where her wrinkled skin disappeared into the bodice of her bright-red velvet evening gown .
5 Ted Power , a fine collector , whom I had known for years and who had seen odd paintings in mixed shows wanted to buy something .
6 She had spoken stiffly , knowing she did , and she had seen how this wounded .
7 I immediately rang my sister-in-law , another teacher stranded at home , and she had seen it .
8 But I looked at Mother as they were kissing and she had seen all right .
9 Apparently they had no friends , with the possible exception of Roger — and she had seen him stiffen slightly when referred to as ‘ old Rodge ’ .
10 She had wanted it since last Christmas when they went to the pantomime in Dublin and she had seen the girls on the stage dancing in pink velvet dresses like this .
11 He knew her every move and she had seen and heard of his like since childhood .
12 And she had seen his picture in trade papers and yachting magazines , usually alongside an article extolling his brilliance , not only as a prizewinning designer in the highly competitive world of trans-ocean racing , but also as a respected if demanding skipper .
13 She knew from pictures in the Book of Instruction clandestinely glimpsed in her father 's library what to expect , approximately ; and she had seen animals ; but exactly what happened she could not imagine .
14 Their mother had been a fashion model before her marriage ; she had always regretted giving it up , and she had seen , in her daughters , the means of reliving her career , this time successfully .
15 She had been there , at Lexy 's house , and she had seen him …
16 And she had seen those other women too .
17 Belinda had stumbled upon him one day several months ago when he was alone in a little-used store-room at the far end of the ward , and she had seen immediately that he was near to breaking down .
18 And she had seen the photograph of Petula .
19 It some ways it was worse than when she 'd fled Rocamar because now there was this new memory to contend with , and she had seen how marvellous Marc looked even in the chaos of a big city , away from the romantic backdrop of the mountains .
20 Her final rotation had been on the emergency ward , and she had seen it all .
21 They had noticed and she had seen them notice .
22 ‘ The week before we had noticed that the shutters were open at the tower ( no more picnics ) and we had seen the car .
23 And we had seen the horses er er struggling and kicking Strange horses .
24 They had arrived home near the turnpike crossroads at 10.15pm , they had heard a shot at 10.25 , and they had seen William Tidbury and William Day leaving a Path near the woods at 10.50 , which was some five minutes after PC Golby had discovered the first body .
25 He and James Frawley had been their virtual creators for the television network and they had seen some excruciatingly successful years .
26 In the forests of Chippenham and Melksham , Dean , Feckenham , Peak and Windsor the warden had also the custody of royal manors in the forest , and he had to see that they were properly stocked and managed .
27 And he had seen me walking from my hotel apartment with Dana — Americano , he said disdainfully .
28 He was used to being ridden do the same stretch of road several times a week , and he had seen it all before .
29 In the village he had noticed an old crumbling building with the word ‘ SCHOOL ’ outside it , and he had seen children a little younger than himself disappear inside it in the mornings then reappear sometime in the afternoon .
30 He had sat far back and to one side but the congregation was small for the early morning service and he had seen everything clearly .
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