Example sentences of "and [pron] come [prep] " in BNC.

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1 One long blast on the whistle from Mr. Windust and everyone came to attention on the spot with not a sound to be heard .
2 They were being pulled steadily , Felipe digging his feet into the side of the cliff , and as they came to the top he eased Maggie over the edge and them came up himself .
3 but Richard was sure he wanted it done and nothing came between him and that intention .
4 The whereabouts of Flaxman 's death mask was not known , and nothing came of the suggestion .
5 ‘ He has talked about it before and nothing came of it , ’ she said .
6 This enthusiasm , inspired by Scottish sections , was short lived , and nothing came of the move , but it did signal a phase of agitation over representation that was to culminate in formal acceptance of the principle at the 1917 Congress .
7 My answer was neither yes or no and nothing came of it . ’
8 People did , and people met , and nothing came of it .
9 Other bidders found out that I could top their bids , and no-one came to the party .
10 Stephen , a boy of about sixteen in a school not far from Susan 's , told me the following story : Extract 2 : Sounds are for big people Me was trodding down de road and me come across me bredder " e — me ask " im for some money an " e say " e na got .
11 ‘ I did not want things that Picasso gave Douglas and me coming on the market , and Billy very decently gave me the drawing ’ .
12 One day I was in the library and I came across this book .
13 I had just returned to Los Angeles from the Aleutians where I had been making a film , and I came across Errol Flynn at a party at David O Selznick 's house .
14 And I came across it in my young day when I had no business , but I begged it out them .
15 My husband and I came across these old photos recently and , although we know the names of some of the people , we would like to find out who the other two are .
16 We lined up in the final and I came off the bend well in the lead .
17 The day was the easiest since Reggane and I came to camp after twenty miles feeling strong , with Aulef only two hours away .
18 ‘ Through my early years , I always did a lot of running and I came to the conclusion that that was the reason for my injuries .
19 I managed to hold the aircraft straight for a short distance , running on the nosewheel which , luckily , had escaped damage , but as the speed came off the aircraft slewed sharply left and I came to a slithering , steaming halt about 200 metres the other side of the dyke , well off the runway .
20 We 'll stay put in old West Ken , ’ but Oliver had seen it all , and I came to America the first time on May 25th .
21 Master Vechey was here when Brother Athelstan and I came to the house for the first time .
22 Indeed , quite early on , I tried to work out in my mind what it was that made his personality ( though he did not like the word ) so compelling ; and I came to the conclusion that it was because he did not let me down in my own estimation of him .
23 And I came to the conclusion that we ought to develop our own music , and let the natural children of rock — the Europeans and North Americans — do their own thing .
24 Then as he was passing a bit nearer and I came to him , he stopped again in the queue , I walked in and and I said , I knocked on his window and he put it down and I said , that was n't a very nice thing to do .
25 and I had a very sheltered life , I was an only child , I had n't been around much , I had n't stayed away from home erm and I came to Suffolk to visit a girl penfriend who was working at Brandeston Hall and erm she at that time was expecting to get engaged to a chappy in the village here who was , and still is a friend of Hector 's and ours , and they did n't marry in the finish but she at that time wanted me to come up to Suffolk to see her and to meet this chappy who she thought she was going to marry and erm so , it was holiday from the art school where I was and I thought well why not ?
26 That was a case , I worked in a hotel for years and years and it closed down with the new bypass and that , and just a girl beside me , she was coming for an interview , to the B M K and I came with her .
27 As the crisis deepened and I came into the depression and withdrawal stages , I knew intellectually that God was still my friend , even though I did not feel it emotionally . ’
28 I would n't finish my apprent and I came into our own firm and started with bicycles and motorcars .
29 The slope eased , and I came over what had seemed from below like a ridge , but in fact was merely the folding of ice from a long saddle that ran like a narrow valley between west and east summits .
30 The last time I came through , Irene and I came through Colchester and we were going to Clacton .
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