Example sentences of "and [conj] there was " in BNC.

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1 All were spontaneous outbursts : none , contrary to some claims , were politically inspired or orchestrated ( except in Northern Ireland where urban problems existed on a grander , more devastating scale , and where there was a unique heritage ) .
2 This was a part of the world where Greek culture and the Roman Church met and where there was a strong Saracen influence .
3 Financial limitations and unwillingness to sell made new players increasingly hard to find , in an area where , as Chapman pointed out , industrial conditions were not conducive to home-grown talent , and where there was strong competition from rugby .
4 In selecting the area to be defended , those responsible , presumably military engineers , chose the most convenient and economical line , and where there was a well planned core of gridded streets , this was not too difficult ; the real problem was the case of settlements which were long strips of ribbon development along a road .
5 Ours was a one-off Section in that we had n't been sent to Castelnaudary where things were reputed to be much easier , and where there was a spirit of prevailing moderation which had pervaded the Legion since Mitterrand had brought it into line with the rest of the French army .
6 He did n't think it was a case of God 's being vindictive , more a case of rules being rules and God having to administer them , like a caning head , and where there was Adultery there was always a Death , that was the way it was .
7 The majority held that , whilst an honest but unreasonable mistake would negative liability , such a defence should be put to the jury only where the defendant expressly asserted belief in consent and where there was some evidence beyond his mere assertion .
8 There was very definitely evidence of a zone in transition and these were marked as limits on the map , by observation of where the CBD finished and where there was a mixture of houses , shops and offices before the area became wholly residential .
9 For each subject the free speed was calculated as a proportion of the prevailing speed limit at the site and where there was more than one site available the average value was taken .
10 Maybe he wintered in the area , attempting to ensure the loyalty of the West Saxon heartland where Æthelred 's son Eadwig the ætheling may have recently returned and died and where there was soon to be difficulty , for in 1019 one of his men , Agemund , received a Dorset estate by S 955 , and the dubious Exeter charter S 954 bears the same date .
11 IT PROBABLY never existed , the England where everybody went dancing to a big band on a Friday night and tripped the light fantastic and moved romantically , cheek to cheek , with their best girl or their best boy , and where there was always a full moon outside .
12 They felt they had done well enough already to endure the service at Dull , and that there was no need to martyr themselves yet again ( the Reverend William MacIvor 's sermons were notoriously long and repetitious ) .
13 In the end , to put them off , I told them I was quite clear about the type who attracted me and that there was no point in introducing me to anyone who did n't match up .
14 Concludes that older people receiving community-based care had a higher quality of life than those in hospital , and that there was no evidence of greater stress upon carers .
15 The latter point was silly , coming from a man who has spent much of the last five years persuading his party that the world had changed since May 1979 and that there was no going back .
16 The gist of the parents ' complaints is that children were allowed too much freedom and that there was too little formal instruction in the three Rs .
17 Lord Hailsham of St Marylebone , LC , said that the question was whether a parental veto came within the band of possible reasonable decisions and not whether it was right or mistaken and that there was a band of decisions within which the court should seek to replace the individual 's judgment with his own .
18 Kenny told me he trained this morning , but was still feeling the injury , and that there was no point in him coming .
19 Hoskyns believed that these new methods could prove that the alleged contrast between Jesus and Paul was wrong ; and that there was an identity between the Jesus who lived in Palestine and the Christ who was the object of the faith of the apostolic Church .
20 So it began to be asserted that this was a social service , and that there was something inherently reasonable and even laudable about subsidising the price of rented house-room — though how it could be reasonable or laudable to reduce by arbitrary and locally varying amounts the rents of an arbitrarily selected minority of families who have no common economic or other characteristic , is something which no one to this day has attempted to explain .
21 Watching the spectacle , one has the weird sensation that the actors really knew all the time that their professions were illusory , and that there was a kind of gigantic tacit conspiracy to pretend .
22 Yamaha should take solace from the thought that Senna was bitching about the power of the new V12 Honda , later saying he had been misquoted and that there was ‘ nothing fundamentally wrong ’ with the new Honda .
23 Claiming that health workers ' fears were being overcome and that there was now a much better understanding of the plans , Mr Clarke said : ‘ There are volunteers all over the service waiting for Parliament to approve these provisions so we can get on with it from next summer onwards . ’
24 He would n't tell them that the friend did n't exist , that she was dead , and that there was only the house that Mrs Wright visited and put flowers in .
25 For example , it is now known that in Israel anatomically modern humans were present some 90,000 years ago and that there was human occupation of Australia 50,000 years ago .
26 Some of the beef classes were judged by an Argentinian , M Rodman , who said that he was particularly impressed with the easy-to-manage British breeds like the Angus and Hereford , and that there was scope for wider use of them in his country .
27 When , at the end of July and the beginning of August 1943 , four RAF raids practically wiped out the centre of Hamburg — Germany 's second city — in fire-storms , killing some 40,000 people , rumours spread that unrest had had to be put down by the police and SA or Wehrmacht , and that there was a ‘ November mood ’ — an allusion to the revolutionary mood of November 1918 — in the Reich which would rise up against the unbearable air raids .
28 His speeches were , of course , dominated by the great foreign political issues of the year , but there can be no doubt that Hitler was deliberately steering clear of the ‘ Jewish Question ’ , and that there was a continued conscious attempt to dissociate his public image from the seamier side of anti-Semitism visible in the renewed growing violence of Party activists .
29 This has two aspects : that all the members of a group were obliged to join in the fighting or threats ; and that there was some automatic trigger contained in the genealogy which determined the number of the combatants .
30 This , together with the fact that his people were more settled and therefore accessible and that there was the possibility of running a lineage bank account , all served to reinforce the position of the shaikhs .
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