Example sentences of "and [conj] it will " in BNC.

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1 What is not certain is what shape independent production will take and where it will be located .
2 The three still have to sort out the thorny question of who will run the centre and where it will be .
3 ‘ I have been in this game a lifetime and wonder in what direction it is going and where it will all end up .
4 Choose a spot where it will not have direct sunlight falling on it and where it will not be overheated by a radiator or other room-heater .
5 If we shoot a rocket to the moon and bring it back ten days later we can calculate before the start , within a matter of seconds and a few hundred yards , just how long it will take and where it will land , provided always that in the course of the proceedings there is no human error .
6 And also it 'll the bound to be building and that it 'll , you watch them .
7 ‘ No , but I know my son is impatient to marry his true love and that it wo n't be long . ’
8 While BT can be pleased that it bought into McCaw at a much lower price than today 's going rate and that it will be difficult for other overseas companies to enter the US domestic market , it will be some time before its investment begins to yield a return .
9 He hopes the Hungarian minority will be allowed to run its own schools and re-establish its university in Transylvania ; that it will be allowed to run its own affairs at municipal level and that it will have ‘ economic autonomy ’ .
10 So if the horse is lucky enough to get a companion at a later date , its owner will be surprised that the horse will appear much happier , and that it will be in better health and condition .
11 It has just told me that the trial has proved successful and that it will shortly make the address service available nationwide .
12 It clear that it is costing British jobs on a substantial scale and that it will continue until the unfair practices cease .
13 There is a need on the part of the school to ensure that this is not a hasty decision , that it is in the best interest of the child and that it will not be a decision that parents will either want to reverse or repeat when any problem or difficulty arises .
14 British Gas holds to the opinion that it will need discoveries from both the Norwegian and UK sectors to meet future demand and that it will need to buy some 12,000 billion cubic feet of new supplies by the end of the century — some one-third of the amount British Gas projected it would sell .
15 It would be unrealistic to suggest that a good organic diet , daily meditation and aromatherapy massage is the answer to life 's problems , and that it will somehow cocoon us in an etheric pink haze for the rest of our days !
16 I suspect , though , that the 25SE 's appearance is going to grow on us , and that it will probably also form the basis for further new combos from Fender .
17 In Suffolk , we are particularly glad that Customs and Excise has at last been persuaded that horse-racing is an industry not a hobby , and that it will adjust its VAT demands accordingly .
18 ‘ I 'm an optimist and I do truly believe that Eldorado is a good idea and that it will work .
19 It 's also a way of saying that Pentiums will be with us for a while , overlapping the life cycles of both the 80486 and P6 , and that it will be some time yet before they reach a competitive price-performance curve .
20 Unisys basically feels however that with its price-performance and coming enhancements there is a lot of life left in the 80486 and that it will not be replaced immediately by Pentium , more the meat of early adopters , than the usual customer .
21 Insignia reckons that emulation will become de rigeur on all machines by and by and that it will become a utility house .
22 Also , the program has knowledge of qualitative physical principles relevant to its actual tasks , such as that if an object sticks out too far it will fall , and that it will pivot around the support point nearest to the centre of gravity .
23 SunSelect has repeatedly maintained that Microsoft does n't have a legal leg to stand on and that it will not pay the licence .
24 SunSelect has repeatedly maintained that Microsoft does n't have a legal leg to stand on , and that it will not pay the licence .
25 Germany is at last waking up to the what has been clear to outsiders for the past year or so , that there is going to be no quick fix to the recession it is facing and that it will be long and grinding : this week the BDI industrial federation admitted that the downturn could develop into Germany 's worst recession since the end of World War II , saying that the western German economy will continue to decline , and the fall will be deeper than previously thought , so that in important sectors such as the capital goods industry the downturn will represent a new post-war record ; the body blames weak foreign demand for German goods , the now over-valued mark and rising costs for German industry and now admits it is the result of structural problems that will have long-term economic effects .
26 The paper says that on September 22 , IBM will give a more specific delivery timeframe for the AIX database and that it will become the common database for both environments .
27 And in case anyone thought that that was the end of the bad news , the company says it expects that its revenue for the first quarter to September 27 will be below analysts ' expectations and that it will incur a loss for the quarter .
28 Grove also said that Pentium was on schedule to be introduced at the end of March and that it will be ‘ aggressively ’ priced .
29 Insignia figures that emulation will become de rigeur on all machines by and by and that it will just become a utility house .
30 It 's also a way of saying that Pentiums will be with us for a while , overlapping the life cycles of both the 80486 and P6 , and that it will be some time yet before they reach a competitive price/performance curve .
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