Example sentences of "and [conj] [pron] do " in BNC.

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1 Both , in tandem , have transformed who does what and where they do it to create the wealth governments now seek .
2 In such cases the competition can usually respond by introducing similar products or services if they so wish , and where they do , the price is forced down and technical improvements are rapidly introduced to maintain leadership .
3 Well we just established that there are areas where we 're using rate cards and where we do n't follow the procedure .
4 and where you do n't to curl your lip
5 It 's like a kind of flowing thing where no note has more value than any other , and where I do n't even know what 's going to happen at any given point .
6 If I may my Lord there is an issue that was raised in my learned friends reply er which er was a new point er and where I do take issue with him and this concerns the issue of the relevance of the directive here the , the issue relating to er whether or not the er Lloyd 's Act and the society have got any relevance in respect of the directive , his submission as I understood it , was that under article one , eight , nine the directive only addressed itself to states , to the British Government and that therefore the reliance on the directive by the society and in relation to the Lloyds Act was er a misconceived er reliance .
7 One could take the view , for example , that important constraints on social equality are imposed by the opportunities available in society , regardless of who avails themselves of them , and that we do not want a measure that is insensitive to such constraints .
8 In a letter to the Stanford committee on research , the faculty said : ‘ For years we have been able to tell visiting school children , student , engineers , scientists , laymen and the press that we are here to do basic research on the fundamental properties of matter and that we do not do any military work .
9 Let us also celebrate and exploit the opportunities that have been created by new media , and ensure that bookshops are seen as the distribution channel of choice , and that we do all we can to make the book the natural bedfellow of these emerging products .
10 And that we do n't want to put up anything that 'll be a stumbling block , to people coming .
11 and that we do , training credits are going to come
12 They are entitled to do that in a free European democracy , but we are entitled to hold our ground and to argue that we as a nation were never committed to a united states of Europe in 1973 , that we are not committed to it now and that we do not intend to pre-empt that decision .
13 With regard to access to Art as a subject in the school curriculum , the Head of Department pointed out that he and his colleagues made special provision for some pupils , asking it if was generally known that pupils who opted not to do Art ( i.e. whose option choices precluded Art ) could still do it after school as an additional subject and that we do get some of them through ( verified note of meeting ) .
14 I think it 's very important that we do n't neglect er people who live in rural areas and that we do in fact ensure that they get the same sort of provision erm that they do elsewhere .
15 The only grass that 's well cut is where people cut it themselves outside their own house but , in particular , erm , th I would like to see the supervision of the contract and that we do n't cough up the money unless the job 's done properly because I think we 're paying for a job that 's not being either done at all , or when it is being done it 's not being done well .
16 And that we actually op adopted a b a modern sensible er , reasonable attitude towards all living creatures and that we do today vote to ban fox hunting it is anachronistic as I said earlier , it is not necessary it actually causes harm , not only does it cause harm to foxes , but at least in one case , which is sufficient for me to continue my support for the ban damage to the people in my area .
17 It is not just the owners who turf out their dogs daily , it is also those who blissfully believe everyone is a dog lover and that we do n't mind the unpleasant and unhealthy filth their pets create in every park , play area , beach and common , nor the way many out-of-control large dogs are allowed to harass the hapless walker who crosses their path .
18 And the Horton I think will stand to benefit as much as any hospital , by the proposed N H S reforms in insuring that er money follows the patients , and that we do n't have these sorts of situations arising again , whereby when hospitals treat more patients they simply run out of money more quickly .
19 Regulation should not attempt to suppress the phenomenon altogether , but ensure , with appropriate penalties for failure , that acid house parties — and whatever succeeds them — cause minimal disturbance to the non-dancing majority , and that they do not become occasions of profit for professional criminals .
20 Provided that volunteers are not allowed a watch and that they do not use television or radio then they are in an environment which combines some of the comforts of home with the more exacting requirements of free-running experiments .
21 In his Dictionary ( 1697 ) , Bayle points out that although the ‘ new philosophers ’ do not set out to be sceptics , they go even further in extending sceptical arguments to the conclusion that smells , colours , and tastes , ‘ are perceptions of our soul and that they do not exist at all in the objects of our senses ’ .
22 We contend that audit adjustments were made properly to reflect the situation at 31 March and that they do not come under TR720 , which the Inspector is contending .
23 ‘ These are not easy questions to resolve but I think that if it is possible , actually to speak to these characters in such a way that they feel that they are valued and that they do have a part to play in the community , then we are on the way to resolving questions of this sort .
24 No doubt many people in advertising and public relations , as well as their professional associations , will protest that their work is not all about making money and that they do care about the communications they create and the messages they send to the public .
25 The ‘ rehabilitation ’ or ‘ long-term support ’ team , as well as caring for a group of people with long-term problems , should also be responsible for maintaining a register of all people who should be receiving help in order to assist with monitoring their progress , ensuring that they receive the right care and treatment and that they do not get lost to the service .
26 When will the dogmatic Secretary of State for Scotland realise that the people of Scotland see NHS trusts as the thin edge of the wedge for privatisation of the health service , and that they do not want them ?
27 Does he share their view that they work hard for their money , that they pay quite enough tax and national insurance and that they do not want to see what would be the worst disaster for such businesses in future — an increase in income tax and national insurance , as proposed by the Labour party ?
28 Act the part and know you 're acting it — and that they do n't know .
29 I have made mention elsewhere of the sense that warns us of impending danger , and will not labour the subject further beyond stating that this sense is a very real one and that I do not know , and therefore can not explain , what brings it into operation .
30 I was nice about it at first and said that business and pleasure do n't mix ; and that I do n't go out with married men and so on . ’
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