Example sentences of "and [adv] really [verb] " in BNC.

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1 However , in the PC world , these need extra processing power that would otherwise be available for the application and only really come into their own with the PC/AT or even the ‘ 386 models .
2 Once more , as in the early days , movies were charging around in all directions and not really getting anywhere .
3 Then Kraal remembered that when Creggan had asked him about where he came from all he had said was ‘ the South ’ and not really told him any more .
4 In the beginning an arm-band was all we had to identify us with an assortment of weapons , not enough ammunition , and not really knowing what our role was .
5 I was still in pain and still in shock and not really knowing what was going on .
6 We give them a provisional kind of price and not really gone into it in detail .
7 She had once explained that slaughtering animals secretly and trading on the black market was simply bending the law a little and not really stealing at all , but real thieves were as bad as liars .
8 And though previous Starlings singles were pretty much pallid takes on the Mary Chain 's one wonderful trick , the screwed-up-sex prowl of ‘ Sick Puppy ’ radically twists — and improves — on old attempts by pushing the ominous bass and sliding beat upfront and not really bothering with guitars at all .
9 erm I also think that people will use the fact that people are staying away , or have stayed away , because of the Gulf as a sort of excuse for people not coming and not really get down to the roots of maybe , you know , why are n't people , why do n't people want to stay in British hotels , why do n't people want to stay in London Hotels ?
10 ‘ That was different , ’ he told her grandly , and resumed , ‘ While ensuring that my secretary had enough work to keep him fully occupied for the whole of that weekend , and not really expecting you would have any need to contact him , I instructed Lubor Ondrus to give you any assistance you might require should a problem arise . ’
11 With a quick smile , and not really having any choice , Ellie climbed back into her car , turned on the muddy track , and went back the way she 'd come .
12 WHelan did nt look out of place , but in this match I feel that he and Deane were both looking for the same balls and not really working as a pair .
13 Now , I can either do that with you , very sort of general introduction trying to place Donne in comparison with other poets an and just really getting the basics of Donne or , since you 'll have had , just had a lecture we could go on and do some more sort of specific complex things .
14 cos all the sort of people communists they 're all just full of hot air and just really get lost
15 First impressions lasting longest and all that , when 4AD 's Boston Seethe Party first toured the UK in its full label package glory , while the Pixies were the kind of nutters you 'd gladly go joyriding with , The Muses … well , the Muses were the kind of band you respected from afar and near really wanted to share a six-pack with underneath the baseball park grandstand .
16 This has recently reached Volume 4 and now really looks the part .
17 And TODAY really did show her the way home by persuading Captain Nick Fletcher to let her sit in the cockpit with him .
18 And when I come here and I lived here for a few year and then really saw what it was like , I thought , God , never again .
19 Then he goes back to er for a week or so , then his back at and there really treating him , but of course he wo n't .
20 I see a set of conclusions that achieve almost everything that was demanded at that time and I am grateful to everybody concerned who 's actually sat down and actually really thought about what we 're trying to do and everybody has made some compromise here and I shall certainly support this amendment and I shall make the compromise because the one thing in here that I thought was necessary that is n't there is the statement that there will be a head of centre and having actually worked in a project , head of sorry , head of project and having actually worked in a situation where I was a joint manager erm in the long run I think people will see the the wisdom of of a single head of project .
21 I sometimes think I may live with it for a lifetime and never really know it intimately .
22 They preferred to connive with Germany against Poland and never really assessed the value of cooperation at all .
23 If the sadness is there but not ever directly expressed by crying … the mucous membranes remain chronically inflamed , never really pouring out mucous and never really resting .
24 Sadly , we fell behind early on and never really threatened them after that , although we chased them all the way .
25 I must have passed that florist 's in Rumsey Road several hundred times and never really looked at it , let alone into it .
26 Wetherall and Newsome were impressive in the air , and never really looked in trouble .
27 Leeds had the majority of play , did some very neat football , but always looked vulnerable in defence and never really looked like scoring .
28 An appeal for political asylum would have been likely to get her nowhere ; Alina was n't political , and never really had been .
29 Having the support of a magazine willing to send you , then you go and never really question the danger of it .
30 I 've had them about two years and never really worn them .
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