Example sentences of "and [adv] into a " in BNC.

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1 Likewise structure , which is what we are aiming at here , does not spring up ready-made , but is developed from interior and exterior motifs into its parts and thence into a whole …
2 Nicandra took the path leading away from pleasure-garden policies , through heavy laurels and on into a grove of hazels patched with sunlight .
3 A little later when local people formed themselves into vigilantees and eventually into a battalion of the UDA , he was asked to take charge of the extensive social work sponsored by it in the district .
4 They now looked towards the door through which the young fellow was making a hurried exit , and , somewhat impatiently , Aggie said , ‘ Come along with you , come along , ’ and led the way through yet another door and into a passageway , and so into a square hall from which a stairway rose .
5 There I got on a bus that took me to Le Hospitalet près l'Andorre , and through the frontier post at Pas de la Casa , over the Envalira pass and down into a land whose mountainous beauty at once put me under a spell I shall never forget .
6 Through fences and barb-wire , over the top of a rocky hill , and down into a hidden valley .
7 She said his name , the sound of it muffled against the pressure of his lips , and he murmured something back to her , moved with sudden fierceness , and the final thrust of his body sent them both tumbling down and down into a completely new dimension .
8 ‘ When somebody is in a situation where they feel there is no way out , feel trapped , lost , unloved , helpless , powerless , they are in a definite negative spiral and are getting deeper and deeper into a place where they are more and more frightened and despairing .
9 You will still have to do a little detective work first , to make sure that you are cutting into the circuit cable itself and not into a spur .
10 Gripping the child 's arm , Aggie pulled her from the room and through into a hall and there she stood waiting , for she guessed that the women lined up like felons against the wall would now be led out to pay their fines at the desk in the corner , or be taken through the door back to the cells .
11 He walked on further into the building and through into a vault at the end .
12 They were thus driving the wedge further and further into a division of labour from which they were the first to suffer .
13 He half-stumbled out of the room up to his bed and blessed , blessed sleep , where his dreams were a mixture of lobsters with evil intent towards the Prince of Wales , of Charles Dickens teaching him how to catch a pungar , and of Araminta , receding further and further into a boiling sea of mutton broth .
14 Our supervisors are skilled tradesmen who are being forced more and more into a teaching role without any kind of recompense for it .
15 Read through your full speech several times , preferably aloud and preferably into a tape-recorder , but do not try to memorise it word for word .
16 We trooped off round the back of the church and up into a small raised garden where there were indeed some benches .
17 But the pull on his soulless mind was too strong now , and he felt himself being drawn up and up into a vast emptiness , and into the endless skies of infinity .
18 DE-XXXX VELOPMENT takes the genes provided by REPRODUCTION in any given generation , and translates those genes into drawing action , and hence into a picture of a body on the computer screen .
19 Wolf was awake , instantly , and instantly into a fighting stance ; but Fox only collapsed to the other mattress , and lay there , still .
20 I walk across the field to the gate and out into a narrow lane .
21 The trouble was , once you 'd been driving for that long , you drove right through your tiredness and out into a dreamland where only the road was moving .
22 A pretty young eunuch in a canary-yellow silk sari led Zakir and me through a vaulted passageway and out into a small courtyard .
23 Would Eve be furious if Mother Francis heard the whole story of the lies , the unhappiness and the circumstances that had brought her to the other side of the city and now into a hospital bed ?
24 The word " aesthetic " itself acquired its modern academic denotation in eighteenth-century German philosophy — in the writings of Alexander Gottlieb Baumgarten and his disciple Immanuel Kant ; but the most significant of German " aesthetic " enquiries have invariably moved beyond " aesthetic " in the narrow sense , and often into a question for the " whole man " .
25 Well if you live in Snainton towns then I 've got details of an organization that can help out with all those things and help you get back onto the learning ladder and maybe into a job .
26 With slow wrinkling his stiff face relaxed now and then into a feminine tender smile .
27 Should your goals be made smaller and then into a longer list ?
28 These principles can be projected into a third dimension to describe complex volumes ; and then into a time dimension , as in the cinema and television .
29 Puff pastry goes on top and then into a very hot oven .
30 Gate B — pursuing his current job in computer sales — led on to a tarmac road , and then into a grey housing estate , ending in a cul-de-sac .
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