Example sentences of "and [pron] [vb mod] take " in BNC.

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1 Rehearsals were held in Gedge 's bedroom where he would play a toy electric organ and everyone would take a turn drumming on a Smash tin lid .
2 Rather breathlessly , he told her that despite this , no one and nothing could take from them what had been .
3 Sheriff Presslie told Taylor : ‘ The consequences of the accident will obviously bear heavily on you and nothing will take it away . ’
4 So much that sometimes I can almost believe he belongs to me , that nobody and nothing can take him away .
5 ‘ Emily and me can take care of the shop ; you have a rest while you can — you look quite washed out .
6 ‘ All you have to do is drop your opposition to my development plans and I 'll take you in as a partner , ’ Sugden urged as he mopped the orange-coloured dribbles off his chin .
7 But by God , ’ he added grimly , ‘ let one of them approach me and I 'll take the pitchfork to them ! ’
8 Laugh , Kate , and I 'll take you out to supper at this amusing little noodle shop I 've discovered in Chinatown .
9 Let him give me his word and I 'll take it , though I am liable to pay the debt . ’
10 ‘ Very well , if you 're so sure , advance me five and I 'll take your advice . ’
11 ‘ Right , and I 'll take a shufti round the wood while I 'm about it .
12 There is a big difference between hardship and danger , and I 'll take hardship any day .
13 Bliss said : ‘ Get through Customs and I 'll take you to the reception committee .
14 ‘ I decide when to go for it and I 'll take the stick .
15 by all means package it up and I 'll take away .
16 " Well — " he said , " I tell you what , write the letter now and I 'll take it in .
17 And I 'll take that management one .
18 Get them on and I 'll take you out with me tonight . ’
19 ‘ Beam me up and I 'll take a look round the Universe for you . ’
20 In no time at all , she was hurrying down the hallway towards the nursery , where she swept in to announce , ‘ It 's such a glorious day , Mr Turnbull , I think we 'll cut short Richard 's lessons and I 'll take him out in the sunshine . ’
21 Give it to me , and I 'll take it round to Louisa , presently .
22 And I 'll take this for what I 'm owed , ’ I said , and picked up the cloth of papers .
23 Belinda , wait in the foyer and I 'll take you home afterwards . ’
24 I wo n't even agree to having you partnering me at all these functions I have to attend as part of the job — and I 'll take whatever trouble you try to make for me — if you carry on treating me as you have been doing .
25 ‘ You keep the hired car , and I 'll take the train back to Bruges .
26 ‘ Just fly us out of here and I 'll take my complication with me . ’
27 ‘ Get it out and I 'll take the dishes through .
28 And I 'll take the fox bag , your fox bag , and its story with me .
29 Lot number one hundred and thirty one Lot number one three one is the container sutra container , there it is for two hundred pounds , at two hun , two twenty , at two hundred and twenty offered , at two hundred and twenty pounds any more at two twenty , two forty , two sixty , two eighty , three hundred , three twenty bid I 'm offered three twenty and I 'll take three twenty , any further bids at three twenty ?
30 You carry the puppets and I 'll take the case .
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