Example sentences of "and [pron] [verb] an " in BNC.

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1 In March Elsie Streek and class members took tambours and bean bags along to the Woolwich Branch of the Salvation Army , and everyone had an enjoyable afternoon of Medau .
2 Barry and me had an almost mystical rapport when it came to stuff like this .
3 The guy beside me in the doorway calls in and mentions I 'm there , and I get an immediate order to fade .
4 And I remember an earlier epoch when the geologists were told by the physicists , including the great Lord Kelvin himself , that they were foolish to postulate so many millions of years for earth history , when it could easily be calculated from classic physics that this was quite impossible .
5 And I was watching them , and I got an erection I remember .
6 No , I mean it 's , it 's nothing , I rang erm Social Services this morning in Northampton and I got an appointment for an advisory thing on Thursday morning , erm , the women I 'm going to see she retires on Friday , she said well I 'll have to get you in quick , erm and she , they advise you on the , what you 've got to do to get into what I want to get into you see , so erm I 've got that to sort to do , I mean
7 and I got an
8 Some years ago Lezak and I wrote an article on brain dysfunction in patients with Munchausen 's syndrome .
9 ‘ If the plane is overloaded and I lose an engine , maybe we do n't make it . ’
10 When we met up as planned , it soon became apparent that Paul had in fact researched the matter in hand extremely thoroughly , and I had an impressive number of addresses and names of contacts to take back to Katrina .
11 My grandfather had always taken a keen interest in my work , and I had an equal admiration of the stories of his time spent in Burma during the Second World War .
12 My meals came free also , at the nearby cafeteria , and I had an hour off to walk around the town .
13 I have myself been welcomed as a local council surveyor come to look at houses in a slum area , and I had an assistant who was once received as a person who was trying to recruit voluntary social workers .
14 And I had an affection for Bernard who went to school with me .
15 In a study of management development some colleagues and I had an opportunity to identify some conceptions in the minds of managers about management ( Lawrence , et al. , 1975 ) .
16 A couple of clients had called me , and I would have time to talk to them in the morning ; and I had an invitation to a golf society day in a couple of weeks ' time .
17 After I had arranged to meet Jack on the following Wednesday , the Masons left for home , and I had an early dinner with my parents .
18 Suddenly , I wanted to get away from that place — and I had an idea !
19 And I had an incentive to work hard because the higher you go , the more exams you pass , and the more money you get .
20 ‘ Sabine and I had an arrangement . ’
21 ‘ The midwife disappeared and I had an overwhelming desire to push , which I tried to fight .
22 I began to feel that it could n't possibly be encroaching on a Monday afternoon and that Emily and I had an office to go back to .
23 ‘ A thousand pounds , which is four times their value and I had an advertisement in all the golfing magazines . ’
24 and up the steps out of the underground there was this lass there and I , I ca n't help it I mean I 'm always aware of the fact of having this twenty five year old child , so offspring and there was a girl roughly about his age or slightly younger and she was grey you know that translucent look your skin gets when you 're not eating properly you know that grey sort of pallor and I had an overnight bag in one hand and a briefcase and a handbag in the other and I remember I walked past her and she was begging and I had gone to the sleeper and I 'm sitting there and I 'm thinking you bleep bleep bleep bleep bleep bleep bleep bleep , you could of put briefcase down , overnight bag down , handbag down and got some money out .
25 I should have been here to meet you , but you were late arriving and I had an appointment in the village . ’
26 I said I did I said and I had an awful job to get it out again .
27 My fellow novices and I operated an ironing machine .
28 Pete and I took an afternoon ferry from Leknes to Napp , and sweltered the bikes over an unnamed pass to Vareid .
29 An East and West Association had been formed and I took an early opportunity of asking if I might address it .
30 Next day I did n't feel so bad and I made an appearance for a charity — I really had to do it — then went to visit a relative the following day .
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