Example sentences of "and [prep] [adv] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 In its statement finally agreed early on May 9 the Collective State Presidency ( i ) banned for one month the movement of armed formations and civilians other than army and federal police at " crisis flashpoints " in Croatia , and between mainly Serbian areas and other parts of Croatia ; ( ii ) ordered the immediate demobilization of all police reservists in Croatia and the surrender of their weapons ; and ( iii ) set up a commission including Croatian representatives as well as " legitimate representatives " of Serbs from Croatia to investigate the causes of the crisis including " the right of a nation to self-determination including secession " .
2 The first thing to notice is that Ullman builds implicit assumptions about the physics and geometry of the real world , and about biologically normal viewing conditions , into the computations carried out by the visual system .
3 which is about the future and about as accurate as any forecasting of the future turns out to be , a robot agitator is formed in the shape of a young woman .
4 And I was going to consult you , but really Algeria is a long way away , and you never seem to be in Paris … so , yes , I sold some rather boring stock that was as safe as Fort Knox and about as immobile , and invested in de Chavigny .
5 A small defiant kitten against a Great Dane and about as effective , she thought tiredly .
6 ‘ A bit like digital watches with musical alarms , and about as useful . ’
7 There were ten gardeners and about as many indoor servants .
8 Since the days when he first settled at Yarrundi to farm sheep and cattle on the fertile Liverpool plains , Stephen Coxen had accumulated a substantial tract of land amounting to about 12,000 acres and about as many head of livestock .
9 The studio was large , low ceilinged and about as broad as it was long .
10 She keeps their home as clean as a refrigerator and about as warm .
11 The other driver at Benetton , Martin Brundle , still has a Toyota Dealer 's Haircut — which is to say it 's reliable , functional and about as distinctive as a Camry — or is it a Corolla ?
12 ‘ We were kids , were n't we , and about as unrealistic as only kids can be !
13 This sort of nasal overdrive sound , reminiscent of a blocked sinus ( and about as difficult to get rid of ) , dogs many a small combo amp and I was surprised not to find it in abundance on both VGs .
14 The system 's recent flexibility is too much like that of a tent in a hurricane , and about as reassuring .
15 She looks like a double helping of pink blancmange , and about as exciting .
16 Mogadishu , once known as the pearl of the Indian Ocean with its whitewashed buildings , leafy streets and pretty pavement cafes , is now more bullet-battered than Beirut and about as safe as a saunter through an Iraqi minefield .
17 Miriam was five and about as different from Amina as possible .
18 This situation was widely held to be responsible for Australia 's slowness in adopting new technology — automation in the motor industry was far less advanced than in western Europe — and for persistently low levels of labour productivity .
19 Consequently , and for thoroughly laudable reasons , there had been a systematic drift of responsibility from MC ( ‘ to its executive subcommittee , MMRC , between 1979 and 1984 .
20 gets under way on Saturday the thirtieth of October , and for just seventy five pounds , you can be on board the M S , which 'll be your floating hotel for three days of relaxation and entertainment .
21 Edward VI had n't reached sixteen years of age before he died , in July 1553 , and for just nine days Lady Jane Grey was considered to be Queen Jane , but the country was not prepared to accept her as Queen .
22 Long copy can work , for example , for durables , especially cars , for financial services and products ( you need both information and reassurance ) , and for slightly unfamiliar holiday products like Club Mediterranée .
23 They offer to their old people many opportunities for social interaction and for emotionally rewarding experiences .
24 Both exploited to the utmost the greatest telescopic resources of their times , and for both many of their discoveries resulted from massive programmes of systematic investigations .
25 The agenda here suggests the need for radical changes to education and leisure , for expansion in outlets in voluntary work and for both economic and social recognition of the vital role played by older people within the family .
26 At stations where catering facilities were available , there would be provision for first-class , European , passengers and for both vegetarian and non-vegetarian diets .
27 Teaching is still an important option for less privileged groups : for example , for school graduates in rural areas where there are few opportunities for professional employment and for both urban and rural women , whose range of job opportunities is still far more limited than men 's .
28 The department is also extensively equipped for preparative electrosynthesis and electrochemical studies , with the associated electroanalytical and spectroelectrochemical techniques , and for both analytical and preparative GC and HPLC .
29 The ‘ new conservatives ’ have made it worse by arguing , incorrectly as it happens , that since the children of the élite for the most part ( and for both genetic and environmental reasons ) become the élite , then the elaborate process of selection may as well be shortened and a plain hereditary principle reintroduced .
30 Again this represents a considerable increase over the national rates whether one considers lymphoid leukaemia and non-Hodgkin lymphomas or all malignant disease and for both 1963–90 and 1984–90 .
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