Example sentences of "and [adj] be [det] " in BNC.

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1 If we know the frame number corresponding to an object 's picture , we can display the picture , and that is that .
2 The domestic empiricist is not concerned with the generalities or principles underlying the cooker or the car ; he or she sees what has to be done to achieve a desired end and that is that .
3 Someone believes because he needs to believe , and that is that .
4 ‘ My daughter lives near the prince and that is that .
5 They will not have it and that is that .
6 I discharged my responsibility at the court , and that is that .
7 That dress is too old for you , and that is that . ’
8 I recognised then what had been made more obvious since , and that is that major labels have absolutely no value for a band that wants to function independently . ’
9 I think that 's a minor problem but perhaps architects now pay a little more attention to and that is that , in the afternoon when you like to sit in the evening when you like to sit in the garden in the sunshine you are sitting in the shadow because the house er is between the sun and the garden
10 Unless I have missed it earlier in this debate , I think there may be a point of clarification which may need to be made er with the result of yesterday 's decision , and that is that section two , which we 're now discussing , speaks of the position of parents who are not communicant members .
11 As for Constanza , she says she left it , she left it behind and that is that .
12 and that is that
13 One thing is certain , however , and that is that Adobe 's monopoly on PostScript and its fonts has been broken .
14 Neither spurge , cuckoo-pint nor woodpeckers will feel satisfaction at this , of course , nor indeed anything at all ; they exist , simply , and that is that .
15 He asks me what I 'm doing and who I am , and I mumble that I 'm just me and that is that .
16 Reading this book has confirmed what I have always believed and that is that certain concepts in carp fishing are nothing more than the results of misread scientific papers and wishful thinking !
17 and the trade union movement , the liberation struggle , when you look at it it gives you great hope in terms of human capacity but they will need other kinds of help in order to reconstruct and let me say this because it is important and I do n't say it with any kind of arrogance we have one kind of miracle occurring in South Africa that people ignore and that is that out of the hell of racism we have produced a leadership which is the strongest leadership in the world against racism .
18 And that is that
19 I only want to deal with it in broad terms and that is that compared to earlier E I Ps where West Yorkshire authorities were saying , Do n't take too many people into North Yorkshire , as you 'll undermine our regeneration to paraphrase .
20 And that is that in the projections of housing requirements for the City of York , not Greater York but the City of York , the County Council have a figure of four thousand four hundred households extra , but propose a provision of only three thousand three hundred dwellings extra , that 's purely within York , and the question really therefore for the County Council is I had thought that their dwelling requirements , that their , sorry their their policy H One figure for York was what they thought the requirements were , but maybe it 's what they think the limited capacity is , and they are foreseeing an overspill of thousand odd from the city of York into Greater York .
21 He has made up his mind that there was a Big Bang and that is that .
22 One thing is clear , whatever form of contract is used , and that is that great care must be taken in drafting the contract .
23 Therefore as well as it being a problem of development within the flood plain it is also a problem of development beyond the flood plain and as well as development and I er think this in no way intending to spread the blame , but is a , is a er an observation which er I think is quite clear and that is that farming practices erm can have both beneficial and adverse effects on water regimes
24 Oh actually no Sunday evening and that is that 's Wednesday .
25 Erm the point I would like to make is is is in part made by Mr Girt , and that is that er with particular reference to Selby .
26 okay good point and that is that is a point , that you need to be clear about what you want to role plays on as good as the real thing you know but then again sometimes you know sometimes I 've listened to people saying well role plays are a bit harder than real life harder than real life why are we talking about being assertive now .
27 Here we go and that is that , up to now , erm we 've only made six beams , we 've got to reach , for these tanks , we want to make sixty and the problem is we 're on stop now redesign the whole thing and going on the present rate of production we 're going to go up to about week twenty-eight .
28 just for fun , you know but I 'm not a believer in using your fists , you ought to be using your brain to teach with but there were no there are no sanctions , if you say you must stay behind after school , you have to send a letter home and half the parents will write back and say my son or daughter is not staying after school and that is that !
29 Colleagues I 'd just like to put one of er John 's themes and that is that for the next couple of days we 've got a hell of a lot of business to get through and er we 've done quite well so far but er I would certainly be looking where possible colleagues for formally seconding er , as often as possible , if not all the time and I really appreciate your er your assistance in that regard because we have a great deal of business to get through in the next two days .
30 What I , one of the things that I , I think you must have somewhere , and that is that at some stage you order something , you get it in and somehow someone has to tell accounts that yes , they can pay that invoice .
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