Example sentences of "and [adj] it [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 Between 1982 and 1986 it changed from being described as an uncommon parasite to the most common parasite identified and over 11000 cases were reported between 1985 and 1988 .
2 Her tall , slender form was tightly swathed in a pink dress and she stepped warily across the uneven boards on white sandals with heels so high and narrow it seemed barely possible that they could support a human being .
3 And this it sought to achieve by minimising the number of people required to exercise control while maximising the number over whom it could be exercised .
4 Between 1783 and 1793 wheat had averaged 47s ( £2.35 ) a quarter ; between 1793 and 1801 it averaged 77s ( £3.85 ) and from 1803 to 1813 92s ( £4.60 ) .
5 Between 1973 and 1985 it spent £25 million pounds on a process to remove about 95 per cent of the mercury from its runcorn effluents , which has an annual operating cost of £1.5 million .
6 The more I thought of that midnight face , the more intelligent and charming it became ; and it seemed too to have had a breeding , a fastidiousness , a delicacy , that attracted me as fatally as the local fishermen 's lamps attracted fish on moonless nights .
7 One way and another it had been a thoroughly enjoyable afternoon .
8 She sounded tired but , though her breathing was laboured and painful it seemed to Creggan now that her voice was the only friendly thing left in his world .
9 One and six it cost on the ferry
10 He took us to the Þingvellir National park where the clouds parted and the sun shone on square kilometres of snow that was so clean and pure it made me weep for all the time we had lost on the trip , and for the pleasure of being where I wanted to be .
11 Horrible and impossible it enfolded the two women in its slimy obsceneness .
12 Reporting between 1976 and 1979 it showed how the share of the before-tax distribution of wealth of the top ten per cent had fallen from nearly 30 per cent in 1959 to 26.6 per cent in 1974–5 .
13 Between 1934 and 1937 it invalidated a string of measures initiated by President Roosevelt and passed by Congress to attempt to deal with the economic depression , while between 1954 and 1963 it made a series of decisions regarding the rights of blacks far in advance of anything that could obtain strong presidential and congressional support .
14 whereas between 1981 and 1991 it increased by 25 per cent .
15 Rachaela remembered how Mr Gerard had fired her , and how relevant and ominous it had been .
16 By and large it performed well during the miners ' industrial action of 1973–4 and the concurrent ‘ go-slows ’ in the electricity-supply industry , as David Howell recalls :
17 A door opened and a light so bright and sudden it hurt their eyes spilled through from the back .
18 To all intents , a British plane flying home if anyone saw it and all it had to do to make the drop was fly in under eight hundred feet because many sections of the English coast have no low-level radar . ’
19 ‘ The snow 's very loose on the Wildhorn at this time of year and all it took was a small charge to start the ball rolling , if you 'll excuse the pun .
20 And all it took was marrying you , ’ he murmured , and started to kiss her again .
21 This , after twelve years ' dedicated service to the system and all it represented to her .
22 There were explicit reminiscences of the Punjab , and all it meant in imperial song and story , in the minds of Northern Nigeria 's creators as they were creating .
23 Their private parts were firmly jammed in the wringer and all it needed was for somebody to the rescue .
24 The first factor to bring about the overthrow of the gens and all it stood for was the appearance within the ‘ gentle constitution ’ ( the gens stage ) of the pairing family .
25 D'Arcy felt a sudden insane anger at the Pessarane Behesht and all it stood for .
26 Loyalty to her clerical superiors , to the Church and all it stood for , battled with her contempt for the way in which the senior clergy had behaved both to herself and to Amy .
27 Consideration of marketing and all it implied in terms of design , reliability , delivery and servicing , was of little importance against the basic problem of production for a world market in which there was a substantial margin of unsatisfied demands .
28 But this had not improved Britain 's competitive position , and all it did was reduce the home demand for products , thus increasing unemployment further .
29 That is to say you bought a word processor , and all it did was allow you to type words onto the screen — that and some formatting .
30 Between 1972 and 1981 it had been £14 billion a year .
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