Example sentences of "and [adj] [adj] people " in BNC.

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1 This was so notwithstanding that the field could be closed at any time and that certain people could be refused admission .
2 The results probably show that all subjects an relatively unfamiliar with a serial recall task involving signs and that deaf people tend to be sensitive to the language base of speech coding though they do not have a significant facilitation in overt rehearsal .
3 These recommend that a local child psychiatric team should be involved with all such individuals and their families , and that young people up to 14 years of age should be admitted to a paediatric ward , rather than a general medical or surgical ward .
4 Mr Ryan said : ‘ We hope the success of sports personalities like Chris Boardman will be our success , and that young people will look up to them as role models who are against drugs . ’
5 It was clear to everyone that most of the patients taking the new drug would be over 65 , and that elderly people have greater difficulty in eliminating drugs from their bodies than younger ones .
6 To say this , then , leaves us with the position that historical representation has been either absent or negative , and that disabled people want something positive .
7 Despite all the contrary opinions expressed in the play , the underlying message was that it is the mother 's right to choose whether she wants to bring up a child who is mentally handicapped , and that other people simply do not understand how the mother feels .
8 Even when presented with photographs showing obvious emaciation from starvation , the sufferer from anorexia may comply with forced feeding through intravenous or naso-gastric infusion in hospital but still continue to believe that this is all a lot of fuss and that other people are the ones who really have problems .
9 She knew that Christie Goldsborough was looking at her strangely and that other people , somewhere in the room — pushing into the doorway to see what was going on — were looking at her too .
10 I do n't know about you , but if I had to sort of pass something on to somebody else to check , if I can see somebody scribbling on it , I , I , I , I feel quite edgy , I hate it , I like to feel that I can do it and I can do it well and that other people do n't need to have to amend it .
11 He added that other vehicles were despatched when it was realised the press were in attendance and that other people in area might be there .
12 Going to M.I.T. taught me a great deal about linguistics in many areas ; but one of the things one easily learned at MIT at that time was a sense of conviction — the assumption that MIT led the world , and that other people 's opinions need not in general be treated seriously .
13 Um also by that time er perhaps with a bit more experience of the world you 've got a bit more to compare it with and you 've got a strong sense that this is unjust , unreasonable and that other people do n't have to suffer from it .
14 But David Bulman , for the objectors , said only 12 full-time jobs would be created and that local people could already play football on the common free of charge .
15 For instance , teachers involved in this scheme would know that the success of their female pupils would be very carefully monitored , and that senior people in the school would be looking at the girls ' test results .
16 That 's one of the reasons why I 'm , why I 'm also interested in er in Freud because I think Freud provides that , I happen to think that Freud 's studies of , of crowd group psychology actually explain that , although it takes time to you know , certainly not at five minutes to four , it takes time to explain , but I think there is an explanation there and I think you c y y you can claim that there are certain emotions to do with identification and idealization , th that our genes have a programmer which things like erm nationalistic erm , erm er kind of jingoism can exploit in a modern culture which in primal cultures would have primal cultures people identify with their , with their local kin and their local culture and that 's that might ultimately promote their reproductive success , but that in modern cultures , this identification occurs with erm on a completely different level and with lots of people will not merely because you need so many more people modern cultures you have much more erm much bigger groups and you just meet many more people that , than you were ever th there is some interesting research , research recently published for instance which shows erm organizations seem to have a critical size and that people are not really able to track more than about two hundred and fifty other people , in other words you can have face-to-face relationships with up to about two hundred and fifty others , but once it gets beyond two hundred and fifty it 's too much and you start forgetting somebody as if the brain was primed to an optimum group size and once you get above that you just ca n't keep .
17 One man died and eight other people were injured .
18 The provision of homes for old people by local authorities is still for only about twenty places per thousand old people in an area , and many of these will be for very old and frail disabled people .
19 Of the part-time tutors , about a quarter were local schoolmasters , and there were also a number of parish clergy , local government officers and retired professional people ; only two of those so far booked for courses were women , although when the programme was finalised there were three .
20 From then , the charming , helpful and friendly Malaysian people overwhelmed us with the warmth of their hospitality .
21 Between 25 and 30 interested people aged from about ten upwards went along to learn the North-East step the Durham Hornpipes , among others , in the centre 's dance studio .
22 They frequently break down , dealing , as Berridge ( 1985 ) argued , a very personal blow to the children and young people ; they are difficult to find ; they demand , if they are to work , levels of support which field social workers can not guarantee ; and some young people , and some children , do not want them .
23 Danov said : " I certainly assume that Zhivkov and some other people in his government who have paraded their innocence in the last few years will be indicted . "
24 But when you never answered the phone , and Prue went round to your house , and found carriage lamps outside the front door , and some terrible people with poodles inside , it was a terrible shock .
25 The emphasis with the old , as with any other age-group , should be on prevention before the need for cure arises , and some elderly people suffer quite unnecessarily from the ‘ silent ’ types of illness which show no dramatic symptoms in their early stages ( such as anaemia ) , and which might well be diagnosed if they visited their doctor at six-monthly intervals when feeling at all ‘ off colour ’ .
26 Thus , although Innocent III's Lateran Council with its inclusion of a wider section of the clergy and some lay people appeared nearer to the conciliarist , Conrad of Gelnhauser 's , definition of a general council at the time of the Great Schism in 1381 , there was no notion of power-sharing .
27 Although most fat people simply eat too much by normal standards , there are many who are equally gluttonous but remain thin , and some fat people remain fat in spite of eating much less than normal .
28 Asthmatics are more prone to suffer attacks when any one of these pollutants hits the ‘ poor ’ mark , and some sensitive people may even be affected when the air quality is describes as ‘ good ’ .
29 In babies and some old people also , renal rhythms are abnormal and the reduced urine flow at night is not seen .
30 Violent clashes have broken out in the French Pyrenees between protestors opposed to a new road tunnel and some local people in the Aspe Valley .
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