Example sentences of "and [noun] as [subord] " in BNC.

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1 Kate watched her mother and Patrick as if in a trance .
2 The injustice of life stung her bitterly — Sylvester getting them Bones and co as if they were straight out of the champions ' parade at the Horse of the Year Show and not even knowing that some horses jumped and some did n't , and thinking that all weedy little Hoomey needed was motivation to become Seb Coe the second …
3 The south coast of Devon bulges into the Channel between Exeter and Plymouth as if being pushed out to sea by the bulk of Dartmoor and reaching out towards France .
4 She accepted the farewells of her parents and brothers as if in a dream : her real self seemed to hold aloof from the tearful embraces of her mother , the kisses of her brothers , and her father 's last loving hug before she stepped into the boat to be rowed out across the harbour .
5 Men still do this — they talk of men 's struggles , movements and characteristics as if they were writing about the whole class .
6 For a second her eyes searched his face in case there was a vestige of suspicion left , but he held her close , fingers running continually through her tousled mop of blonde hair , lips pressuring her face and neck as if he could never touch her enough .
7 Presentations can be constructed by laying out graphs and images as if they were slides .
8 Again the boy looked down at his hands , staring at his arms and legs as if they did n't belong to him .
9 With a view toward facilitating the use of electronic bills of lading , the Law Commissions recommended that the Secretary of State be empowered to ‘ make provision by regulations for information given by means other than in writing to be of equivalent force and effect as if it had been given in writing . ’
10 with System Ten has announced a family of control servers which will enable us to control this network of servers and clients as if it was a single machine .
11 The lad Steve came into the room , silently like a little cat ; he was wearing a dressing-gown and pyjamas as if he had started to go to bed , but decided against .
12 It looks from points N and M as if the linear charge distribution would be very long indeed , perhaps infinitely long .
13 This night Moran enunciated each repetitious word with a slow clarity and force as if the very dwelling on suffering , death and human supplication would scatter all flimsy vanities of a greater world ; and the muted responses giving back their acceptance of human servitude did not improve his humour .
14 The woman walked around Masklin and Angalo as if they were items on display .
15 The ‘ pilot ’ sits inside a spherical unit which can rotate through 360 degrees , allowing the player to roll and loop as if he were really inside the aircraft !
16 Meanwhile the ethereal life of Ranveer , Bubbles and Socks , an unworldly trio who react in a childlike way to every sling and arrow as if permanently looking for Nanny , starts to unravel when a new administrator takes over the game park with thinly veiled hostility towards his country 's nobility .
17 Nevertheless it is still of concern that studies such as this treat Asians and Afro-Caribbeans as if they were a homogenous group .
18 ‘ The Department , ’ he says , ‘ frequently talk about teachers and parents as if we are two entirely different groups .
19 Again it was done live and so , from the cast 's point-of-view , they were expected to learn their lines and movements as if they were doing a conventional four act stage play .
20 The words and his tone lit a glorious fire in Merrill 's blood that consumed the weeks of misery and suspicion as if they had never been .
21 Helped by Vladimir Riha 's reedy , unhoneyed tone , this performance comes over with irresistible rustic pungency and vigour as if in the open air rather than the Beaux Arts ' drawingroom .
22 Try looking at people , objects and places as if you are seeing them for the first time without being influenced by what you have known about them in the past .
23 To the group of accountants at each location , it looks to all intents and purposes as if the group has its own system .
24 The Centro de Orientacion Rosa Virginia Pelletier is under armed guard and is run to all intents and purposes as if it were a prison , although in 1980 there were only two young offenders in residence .
25 But can you get those higher prices when there are people , the Gulf sheikhs of waste , who can afford to forget tomorrow and charge as if space , like oil , came free — as to them , perhaps , it does ?
26 In order to make some headway in describing and analysing language , we have had temporarily to treat linguistic units and structures as if they had an independent status and possessed ‘ meaning ’ in their own right .
27 ‘ After the date of the publication of a complete specification and until the sealing of a patent in respect thereof , the applicant shall have the like privileges and rights as if a patent for the invention had been sealed on the date of the publication of the complete specification : Provided that an applicant shall not be entitled to institute any proceedings for infringement until the patent has been sealed .
28 You talk about achieving a balance between idealism and realism as if we already have a perfect one .
29 The merchant was flushed with drink ; he grinned at Cranston and Athelstan as if they were lifelong friends ; Dame Ermengilde , her nose in the air , chose to ignore them .
30 It is likely that he belonged to the friary in Nottingham ( he refers to the rivers Trent and Derwent as if they are familiar to him ) .
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