Example sentences of "and [noun] is as " in BNC.

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1 None of the highly civilised heroes of Yourcenar 's history and fiction is as sympathetically drawn as these two aristocrats who were not allowed to grow .
2 If attitudes to the content of the diabetic diet have changed radically , the importance of the regularity of meals and snacks is as important as ever for the patient on intermittent injections of insulin .
3 And Biddy is as hard-working as ever .
4 ‘ This is a statement of defiance to say the arrests have made absolutely no difference to them and Warrington is as vulnerable as it ever was , ’ he told Sky News .
5 As a sudden mutation there is no reason whatever why it should not crop up anywhere , and the small island between Ireland and England is as likely a place for it as anywhere else .
6 In choices of means , I may pay severely for failing to recognize the equality of personal as of spatial and temporal viewpoints , if for example I lose awareness of the fact that a competitor 's need and determination is as great as mine ; but in choosing between our ends , nothing compels me to feel the pull of his inclination equally with mine , other than a recognition that it is illogical to shut my eyes in one case to what I am forced to acknowledge in the other .
7 For me , nothing in War and Peace is as valuable as the boat-cutting-out expeditions of Marryat and for me he remains the greatest of English novelists .
8 A surge of participation in evening classes and sports is as much about a search for companionship as mental and physical fitness .
9 The whole kit and kaboodle is as tense as unravelled knitting and there is a completely unbelievable ‘ surprise ’ ending tacked onto the end as an obvious afterthought .
10 TERRY AND JULIAN is as ever followed by PAUL MERTON Don Cherry is the focus of BIRDLAND tonight and there 's Nic Roeg 's BAD TIMING with , erm , Art Garfunkel .
11 The shapely outline of back loin and quarters is as noticeable as the deep carcase .
12 For , besides the materialist qualities , the spiritual quality of commitment and feeling is as present between homosexual as between heterosexual partners .
13 And Iran is as unpopular in the West as it has ever been .
14 John Leonard of Ordnance Survey said ‘ Learning to use a map and compass is as essential to children as learning to swim .
15 Sue Larcombe of the RA welcomed the move and says ‘ Learning to use a map and compass is as essential as learning to swim ’ .
16 ( And failure to encourage infants to grow up and experience their own separateness and uniqueness is as much a betrayal of the concept of self as is the abandonment of support and pleasure in their developing maturity . )
17 The ability of a husband to support his wife and children is as important a component of his honour as his control of his wife 's sexuality .
18 The wide choice of theatres , cinemas , museums , art galleries , leisure centres and parks is as exciting and interesting as one would expect in the province 's leading city .
19 The wide choice of theatres , cinemas , museums , art galleries , leisure centres and parks is as exciting and interesting as one would expect in the province 's leading city .
20 The healing of the wounds between women and men is as important as the healing of the wounds between churches .
21 Therefore the genre of Troilus and Cressida is as inconstant as the characters it describes .
22 The emptiness of life reduced to mere sex and death is as awful on the island as in the flat .
23 Of natural selection Butler later wrote : ‘ To state this doctrine is to arouse instinctive loathing ; it is my fortunate task to maintain that such a nightmare of waste and death is as baseless as it is repulsive . ’
24 The eccentricity of the circus , peepshow , and brothel is as embarrassing to ( the Culture Industry ) as that of Schoenberg or Karl Kraus .
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