Example sentences of "and [noun] to be " in BNC.

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1 All four band members share the belief that nobody can match the measure of commitment and unity to be found within The Smiths .
2 Personally , I have always found peanuts , raisins , brown bread and earthworms to be the perfect combination .
3 The course is designed to help individuals and groups to be aware of the influence of mass media on their societies , and to learn how effective communication can bring about positive changes in their daily lives .
4 Holden Caulfield , narrator of ‘ The Catcher in the Rye ’ , and Lucy Snowe , narrator of ‘ Villette ’ , both criticise their societies and acquaintances , and struggle to be true to their own principles despite pressure to conform ,
5 When you have reached the prime of life and acquired a home and possessions to be proud of , you want to be sure that you have reliable insurance — but at a price that you feel recognises and rewards the care that you take .
6 The wealth generated by our overseas possessions was channelled back to Britain and allowed fortunes to be made and investments to be made in many new industries , including cotton , fabrics , and diverse engineering products .
7 This can , however , be largely avoided by insisting that his ROI targets are reset each year in the knowledge of assets held and investments to be undertaken during the year .
8 A common desire and willingness to be subordinate to it is the essential pre-condition of a parliamentary state .
9 Most of the PSD workers themselves have expressed their relief and willingness to be gainfully occupied for five full days per week , even for the basic financial reward of just their normal UB plus £10.00 per week .
10 It was a part of the prophecy of disintegration and chaos to be expected in the latter days ; within that context it was but one detail in a large picture , but here it was all , it was an answer .
11 The original proposal was for no guaranteed funding and payment to be in arrears .
12 In this case the Council specifies the timetable and route to be served .
13 It is the Enterprise Centre 's intention to go on to develop , for future years , related modules at higher levels which will enable increasingly complex tasks and projects to be undertaken with community partner organisations .
14 The criteria are supposed to define the main area of knowledge and understanding , and to specify the skills and competences to be tested in each subject .
15 She was not destined to be a great painter but she had the confidence and luck to be a successful one .
16 Within the more immediate sphere of a teacher 's own school , there are also demands to be met , sought or resisted ; resources of time , material , money and responsibility to be fought for .
17 ‘ They expected telecommunications and roads to be modernized within two or three years , but it will take many , many , years . ’
18 It also sought ( i ) a multiparty commission of inquiry to investigate the full extent of government involvement in the violence and in the secret funding of political activities ; ( ii ) the public dismantling of all special forces of the SADF and SAP , including those composed of foreign mercenaries ; ( iii ) immunity from prosecution and protection to be given to state employees who gave evidence about covert operations ; ( iv ) the trial of all police officers and SADF personnel identified by past commissions as culpable for perpetrating violence .
19 DURING the next two weeks , there are the three hurdles of school holidays , the general election and Easter to be overcome .
20 Public opinion does not go unheeded , and disabled people are not the only group which is asking for its own wishes and opinions to be recognised .
21 Lists In common with most other fax software , Ultrafax allows you to maintain lists of fax numbers and contacts to be used as a dialling directory .
22 In private , many of the more orthodox Muslim nobles furrowed their brows and wondered how the crown prince could possibly declare , as one noble put it , infidelity and Islam to be twin brothers ' .
23 Working conditions and hours to be reorganised to protect health and safety , including protection against risks , such as harmful chemicals .
24 Apart from arranging all the necessary meetings , there is plenty of paper work concerning the actors " pay and repeat fees , details of music and musicians to be passed to the Performing Rights Society , a post-production script ( what really happened ) to be compiled or film to be transferred to tape , which is the way all commercials are now transmitted .
25 Disclosure is only one of the areas dealt with in the regulations ; they also set out the principles and rules to be followed in preparing building societies ' accounts .
26 But it is not only these staff who are benefiting — the three senior staff who devised the scheme , and who organise the sessions , have found their meetings and discussions to be very useful .
27 I 'd also like a sample of his blood and hair to be left here at the Lab .
28 Regular trains from Colchester , Marks Tey , Bures and Sudbury with the probability of a special late train to Marks Tey and Colchester to be confirmed .
29 Stewart-David completed the Val conversions and also built up the droppable torpedoes and bombs to be used .
30 In such cases the draftsman should provide for the costs of periodic maintenance and inspection to be recoverable from the tenants , for they may not always fall within a provision to pay the cost of repairs .
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