Example sentences of "and [noun] on [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Yes , we had stumbled back in time all right , to those days of portion control when catering managers were gods , working miracles of loaves and fishes on ever smaller plates filled with dry greenery and tomatoes cut like starfish .
2 Most people have little contact with mentally or physically handicapped people and , as we have discussed , base their attitudes and opinions on historically inaccurate concepts .
3 Naturally , professional statisticians have considerable skill and experience on how to go about this and enjoy the challenge of participation , particularly if help is sought from an early stage .
4 Due to the difficulties of achieving fast even concentrations of gas in such large congested volumes , their adverse effect on human beings , and ineffectiveness on rapidly developing deep- seated carbonaceous fires , and halon systems will normally only have application to parts of the ancillary accommodation such as computer suites .
5 Sir Anthony , boldly , with little to lose , is willing to provide a focal point for discussion and decision on absolutely legitimate matters of political concern .
6 Sir Anthony , boldly , with little to lose , is willing to provide a focal point for discussion and decision on absolutely legitimate matters of political concern .
7 ‘ Anyone installing new work-stations after January 1 should comply with the regulations immediately , ’ says a spokesperson for System Concepts Limited — a consultancy which advises manufacturers and designers on the health and safety aspects of their products , and employers on how to implement the regulations .
8 Well E and F on here is er thirty three .
9 Molecular biology is continuing to increase our understanding of metazoan evolution , yet information from fossils is still an important component in deciphering metazoan phylogeny , and data on rapidly radiating animal groups place early metazoan evolution in a new perspective .
10 From 1973–5 the Soviet Union sold Peru aircraft , tanks , surface-to-air missiles and artillery on very generous terms and when , in 1978 , the Peruvians found themselves unable to maintain payments for their weapons , the Soviet Union rolled over the debt until 1981–8 , indicating their reluctance to relinquish this sole market .
11 We will launch with the TECs a new initiative , giving people a voucher with which they can buy a ‘ skill check ’ , providing assessment and guidance on how to make the most of their working lives .
12 Description of the types of patients for whom this might be indicated , and guidance on how to proceed were provided in Chapter 4 ( p. 75 ) .
13 ( If you find it difficult to diet without enjoying a moderate amount of alcohol , refer to Chapter 11 for advice and guidance on how this can be made possible . )
14 Both are aimed directly at facilitating low-cost structured CPE by providing ready to use , visually stimulating video material , photocopyable background notes and guidance on how to structure your own CPE .
15 ‘ Once given this information and guidance on how to drink more safely , many people manage to cut down without needing special treatment or counselling ’ ( Alcohol Concern , 1987 ) .
16 The deal was the culmination of a year of talks between Adobe and Sun on how to bring technology market , says Ybarra , the initial plan being to implement a joint product strategy without actually signing a formal agreement .
17 The Anglo-American special relationship , on the other hand , is as alive as ever , and has made it possible for us to buy advanced US weapon systems like Polaris and Trident on very favourable terms .
18 And lives on there .
19 Is there any oil and vinegar on here ?
20 He too ( ‘ birds of a feather ’ ) has nobody to be , and the ice-cold comedy of his father/photographer/landowner mélange projects the disjunctive genius of Crime and Punishment on yet another plane .
21 Technical sales literature often contains important data such as circuit diagrams and explanations on how improvements have been effected .
22 Ken , who although he had just been appointed Bishop , was still a Royal Chaplain , remained beside the bed of the dying King for three days and nights , ‘ watching at proper intervals to suggest pious and proper thoughts and ejaculations on so serious an occasion ’ .
23 The front page news continued to amaze me throughout the week : and article on how women will need another 1000 years to match the political and economic clout of men , followed by one on how President Clinton has increased the sales of saxophones by 15 per cent ( you can now order your own limited presidential edition 80 gold-plated for only $795 ) .
24 Elected in 1978 , it is hardly surprising that John Paul should see his task as the re-establishment of order and confidence on pretty traditional lines , though his charismatic personality shown forth throughout the world in an unending series of exciting international tours for a time almost concealed what was going on .
25 A guide to the more common edible fungi and ideas on how to cook them .
26 The study for the Gulbenkian Foundation found a need for a greater availability of electronic and amplification equipment , of rehearsal space , of cheap recording facilities with expert advice and instruction on how to use them and finally for more places to perform in .
27 In practice , if not in spirit , there is a complete divorce between the ground floor , full of people who have walked in off the street , and the upper floors , where research and development on both hardware and software for the Third World take place .
28 The RSPB wants stricter controls on poisons , and government-backed training for gamekeepers and farmers on how to protect game birds and lambs from predators .
29 Since the signing of the 1979 peace treaty , the US has sought to keep the military assistance component of its large foreign aid programme to Egypt and Israel on roughly equal terms .
30 Keep your cutting shaded and pot on when well rooted .
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