Example sentences of "and [noun] [noun pl] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The Grampian , Northern and Dumfries and Galloway forces have also suffered large percentage increases in murder from a low base .
2 The Times and Guardian reports contrasted with those of other papers .
3 The undress field and barracks uniforms worn when the destruction of the USS Maine blasted America into war were those of the 1895 Regulations .
4 Nor does the book confine itself to a run-down of the different massage strokes ; it also ventures in to the territory of relaxation tips , body awareness exercises and meditation techniques to instill a sense of calm .
5 Its glory days came when Spitfire and Hurricane pilots scrambled to defeat Hitler 's Luftwaffe despite overwhelming odds .
6 BELT UP With Marie Pisa Snow 's collection of Western-style belts , hat bands , boot and guitar straps made from the finest matt black Rolls Royce car leather They 've been collected from all over the world and have been wrapped around the waists of stars such as Tom Jones , David Bowie and Tina Turner 's tour band .
7 BRITISH diplomats and contract workers appeared determined to stay in Libya last night despite warnings from mullahs and the mob that they should leave for their own safety .
8 The position of part-time and contract workers needs to be considered if there is a shift of employment from core to periphery .
9 US , Nigerian and Botswana troops launched a three-pronged assault on gunmen concentrated around the city 's so-called KM-4 and KM-5 areas , frequently troubled by snipers in the past two months .
10 He was told many of the big road and rail projects facing the axe have been reprieved .
11 Excellent road and rail systems connect the four campuses .
12 Homes were flooded and blacked out , rivers burst their banks , villages got cut off and rail services ground to a halt as fierce storms lashed the country .
13 An oasis of calm in the centre of Leeds , at the point where all motorway and rail links converge on the city .
14 Excellent road and rail links make access easy from all parts of the country .
15 Still to come , 8 men are found guilty of one of Britain 's biggest ever drug trafficking operations , and rail unions warn they 're prepared to strike over this year 's pay claim .
16 In the USA , investments totalling $260 million are under way at our Ferndale , Alliance and Toledo refineries to reduce the sulphur content of diesel fuel , now required by US legislation .
17 Three documents dealing with political culture at the Smolensk and Roslavl' levels convey several general impressions .
18 In winter most of the farmers wore tabarri , and felt hats made by Borsalino or Panizza , two well-known Italian hat makers ; they were a bit like the sort of hat worn by Al Capone .
19 Word processing and desktop publishing allow children with spelling and handwriting problems to produce high-quality results and allow them to correct work without having to rewrite it .
20 Both speech and handwriting recognisers suffer from operational difficulties .
21 Interference and ghost images caused by reflections of the received signal are more easily cancelled out in a digital television .
22 Almost half the country was reported to be without electricity on April 29 and on May 4-5 following FMLN sabotage , and FMLN sources reported a renewed army offensive on May 15 .
23 Card , mug and T-shirt ranges includes The Far Side , Boynton , The Dales , Mango Chutney ; Ken Done popular art ; fine art ; A Year in Provence calendar ; The Far Side calendar , diary and cards
24 Mer-doll and T-shirt opportunities appear to be limitless ; making balance-sheet splashes are Disney 's The Little Mermaid and the upcoming Cher movie Mermaids — a tail story in which she plays a single mother of two who leads a less-than-respectable love life .
25 In recent years both Belfast and Bangor abattoirs have also closed .
26 Exit-poll findings and election returns showed that Tyminski had been most successful in the countryside and small towns , where the benefits of the economic reforms had so far been negligible , and among young people waiting for housing and workers concerned about their jobs .
27 Azerbaijani anger over the sovereignty issue was provoked further on Jan. 10-11 when the Armenian Supreme Soviet voted to extend the provisions of its republican budget and election laws to cover Nagorny Karabakh .
28 The north and west galleries stretched before her ; every door was shut .
29 East and West leaders join in condemning killings ...
30 The earliest known map , of 1595 , shows a scatter of houses but much empty land , although the east and west suburbs huddled poorly outside the walls .
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